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岩画研究目前已成为全球人类学界所共同关注的一门新兴学科——岩画学。中国早在公元前3世纪的《韩非子》中就有岩画的记载。但是中国岩画的研究工作则起步较晚。大概开始于20世纪中期。到80年代,由于新发现岩画点的逐年递增,改革开放政策的深入发展,以及中外岩画学者间频繁的学术交流,和国际岩画界对中国岩画的逐渐了解,中国岩画研究在国际岩画学界才占有了一席之地。中国岩画学在起步中取得了不少成绩。1991和2000年两届国际岩画委员会暨宁夏国际岩画研讨会在中国宁夏银川举行。两届国际岩画盛会的召开,大大推动了我国各地区有关岩画研究事业的发展。在我国岩画重点地区成立了岩画博物馆及岩画研究院;创办了 Rock art research has now become a new discipline of common concern of the global anthropology - rock art. As early as the 3rd century BC in China, Han Fei Zi recorded rock paintings. However, the study of rock paintings in China started relatively late. Probably started in the mid-20th century. By the 1980s, due to the increasing number of newly discovered petroglyphs, the deepening development of the policy of reform and opening up, the frequent academic exchanges between Chinese and foreign petroglyphs scholars, and the gradual understanding of Chinese petroglyphs by the international petroglyphs community, A place. Chinese petroglyphics made a lot of achievements in the beginning. Two International Rock Paintings Committees and Ningxia International Rock Paintings Seminar in 1991 and 2000 were held in Yinchuan, Ningxia Province. The holding of two international rock art events has greatly promoted the development of rock painting research in various regions of China. In the key areas of rock art in China set up a rock art museum and rock art institute; founded
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