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当你把生命之根深深地扎入北大荒黑黝黝的泥土里,你就在春日里把自己一生的追求与梦想同时种入了这片土地,到了秋天收获的季节,你便成为荒原上的那最丰硕的农人。——题记采访这位荒原上基层院的检察长是在20世纪即将结束的最后几个日子里,也是这位老检察长即将卸任的前夕。用笔写他59年的人生,让我感到手中笔的沉重。北大荒冰雪纷飞时,我们又一次踏上了去荒原的路,在绥化农垦区人民检察院,我见到了这位个子不高、朴实强干的检察长——赵振华,他属蛇,今年59岁。在绥化农垦区人民检察院,他担任了整整八年的检察长。 When you plunge the root of life deep into the wilderness of the Great Northern Wilderness, you have planted your dreams and dreams into the land at the same time in the spring, and by the autumn harvest season you become the wasteland The most rich farmers. - Inscription interview The chief prosecutor of the grass-roots court in the wasteland was on the eve of the forthcoming twentieth century and the outgoing chief prosecutor’s departure. Writing his 59 years of life, I feel heavy pen in his hand. When the northern great wilderness is swirling in snow and ice, we once again set foot on the road to wasteland. At the People’s Procuratorate in Suihua Reclamation Area, I met the undemanding and simple chief procurator - Zhao Zhenhua, who is a snake and is 59 years old this year . In the Suihua Reclamation District People’s Procuratorate, he served as a full eight years as attorney general.
十多年前,笔者和华为几位高管共进午餐,我们讨论了一个话题:公司 80 后的员工越来越多了,他们大多是独生子女,也受互联网影响很深,华为这一套文化对他们还有效吗?他们会不会成为华为奋斗精神、奋斗者文化未来的颠覆者?  1990 年出生的华为员工已经 30 岁了,三十而立,90 后、95 后的许多人已经成为华为各个业务部门、研发部门、后勤行政体系中的挑大梁者、领头人和骨干员工。在本书中,你可以看到形形
Zaha Hadid、Front Design等都是当今最负盛名的女性设计师。她们杰出,不在于她们的性别,而在于她们独特的设计。又到了万物复苏的三月,我们挑选了两位著名的当代女性设计师,
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