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11月18日晚上21点,中央电视台2010年黄金资源广告招标竞购大会圆满落幕。截止到18日晚上21点,中央电视台2010年黄金资源广告招标预售总额为109.6645亿元,比去年的92.5627亿增长了17.1亿元,增长率高达18.47%,正如央视广告部主任夏洪波所说:“2010年的招标总额创下了央视16年以来的新高。”对于今年的央视总体招标金额,虽早有猜想,但当109.6645亿元这个数字出来后,还是被深深震撼。央视广告招标预售突破百亿大关,不仅是央视本身的成功,意味着国内外企业对中国经济趋势好转的信心日益加强。尤其在今年经济环境之下,很多企业克服了重重的困难,通过品牌建设战胜金融危机。每年的央视招标既是中国经济走势的晴雨表,也是对中国企业的集体民意测验。会议现场,企业家每次举起投标的号牌,都象征着对2010年经济的信心和企业品牌在市场中的信心。而今年招标总额的新高也释放出了企业对经济信心增强的强烈信号。这些年来,央视的招标额一直稳步增长,从2003年的26.2亿元增加到2009年的92.6亿元,再到今年的109.6645亿元,招标总额不断增长,增长数额也同中国经济的攀升趋势基本一致。因此,109亿不仅是一个数字,更是一个强烈的信号,意味着中国经济快速不断增长的预期,同时意味着品牌化的理念日益深入人心,“相信品牌的力量”正在成为更多中国企业的信念。这个数字同样意味着央视再次成为中国媒体整体复苏的“领头羊”。在日趋激烈的电视市场中,作为唯一的国家电视台,央视在各方面的整体优势是其它电视台无可比肩的。对广大广告客户来说,中央电视台的优势确实无可撼动,其强大的品牌力、影响力、公信力使中央电视台成为企业家心目中塑造品牌、提升品牌影响力的最有价值的平台。 November 21 at 21 o’clock in the afternoon, CCTV bidding of gold resources in 2010 auction bidding ceremony ended successfully. As of 21:00 on the 18th, CCTV 2010 gold resource advertising tenders for the sale of a total of 109.6645 billion yuan, 92.5627 billion more than last year’s increase of 1.71 billion yuan, an increase of 18.47%, as Director Xia Hongbo CCTV said : “The total amount of bidding in 2010 hit a new high for 16 years since CCTV. ” Although the total amount of bidding for this year’s CCTV has long been suspected, when the figure of 10.96645 trillion yuan came out, it was deeply shocked. CCTV advertising tenders pre-sale breakthrough 10 billion mark, not only is CCTV’s own success, means that domestic and foreign enterprises on China’s economic trend improved confidence growing. Especially in this year’s economic environment, many enterprises overcame various difficulties and overcome the financial crisis through brand building. The annual CCTV bidding is not only a barometer of the economic trend in China, but also a collective poll of Chinese enterprises. Meeting site, every time entrepreneurs raised the tender plate, are a symbol of the 2010 economic confidence and corporate brand confidence in the market. However, the new high of the total bidding this year also released a strong signal from enterprises that their economic confidence has been strengthened. In recent years, the bidding amount of CCTV has been steadily increasing from 2.62 billion yuan in 2003 to 9.26 billion yuan in 2009 and to 10.966455 billion yuan this year. The total amount of invitations for bidding has been on the rise. The growth rate is also basically the same as that of China’s economy Consistent. Therefore, 10.9 billion is not only a figure, but also a strong signal, which means that China’s rapid economic growth is expected. At the same time, it means that the concept of branding is gaining popularity among the people. “Believing in brand power” is becoming more China Business faith. This figure also means that CCTV has once again become the “leader” of the overall recovery of the Chinese media. In the increasingly fierce television market, as the only state television station, the overall advantage of CCTV in all aspects is unparalleled by other television stations. For advertisers, the advantages of CCTV are indeed unshakable. Its strong brand power, influence and credibility have made CCTV the most valuable platform for entrepreneurs to shape their brands and enhance their brand influence.
试卷满分:100分 检测限时:45分钟  一、教材知识梳理(21分,每小题3分)  1. 下面加点字的注音全部正确的一项是( )  A. 蚩蚩(chī) 愆期(xiān) 垝垣(guǐ) 侘(chà)傺  B. 修姱(kuā) 谣诼(zhuō) 溘死(kè) 方圜(guān)  C. 箜篌(kōng) 伶俜(pīng) 踯躅(zhū) 玳瑁(mào)  D. 羁鸟(jī) 靡盬(gǔ)
在推崇素质教育的今天,音乐作为一门艺术学科又回到了它原有的重要位置。德国著名哲学家尼采说过:没有音乐,生命是没有价值的。作为音乐教师我们应该用音乐激荡学生的心灵,把音乐溶入学生的心灵,让音乐走进学生的心灵。创造性地进行音乐教学,在学生纯真的心灵里播下音乐的种子,培养学生优良的品格,使学生的身心得到健康的发展。  一、让学生用“心”听音乐,在听中激荡学生的心灵  马克思说过“欣赏音乐,需要有辨别音律
阐述了小型锅炉由原来烧煤改造成烧天然气的具体措施,为燃煤炉改为烧天然气炉提供了一些宝贵的经验。 It elaborates the concrete measures of converting small boilers in