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1996年5月24日,中国社科院亚太所与韩国延世大学统一研究院在京共同举办了“南北朝鲜经济合作与中国”学术研讨会。亚太所所长张蕴岭和统一研究院院长李荣善共同主持了会议,双方共出席代表20余人。 On May 24, 1996, the Asia-Pacific Institute of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and the Unification Research Institute of Yonsei University in South Korea jointly held a symposium on “North-South Korea Economic Cooperation and China” in Beijing. Zhang Yunling, director of the Asia Pacific Institute and Li Rongshan, president of the Unification Research Institute, co-chaired the meeting. Both parties attended the meeting and attended more than 20 delegates.
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“明月别枝惊鹊,清风半夜鸣蝉。稻花香里说丰年,听取蛙声一片……”这段时间,在安徽省亳州市谯城区双沟镇邹李村的农家书屋里,李景平经常为村民们诵读经典诗词,抑扬顿挫的声音,吸引了一群听众。  今年70多岁的李景平是该村农家书屋的常客,平时一忙完农活就爱看书。“我特别喜欢文史类书籍,村里每月还送书上门。”在他的带动下,今年初,邹李村成立了农民读书协会,目前会员已有39人。不少农民从麻将桌边抽出身来,走进