An Immunoabsorption Column Configuration for Hepatitis B Virus

来源 :Infection International(Electronic Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:joyce
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Objective To configure an immunoabsorption column for hepatitis B virus.Methods Being activated by epichlorohydrin,the human antibody HBsAb-IgG was bound to the carrier of agarose gel.The configuration process was as follows:the synthesis of epoxide matrix,the synthesis and activation of amino matrix,the synthesis of aldehydic matrix,the synthesis of immunoabsorption matrix,the end capping and reduction of unbound aldehydic,the blocking of unbound mass and the filling of the column.Results The bound rate of activated agarose gel and antibody HBsAb-IgG is 85.07%.By plasma adsorption Objective To configure an immunoabsorption column for hepatitis B virus. Methods Being activated by epichlorohydrin, the human antibody HBsAb-IgG was bound to the carrier of agarose gel. The configuration process was as follows: the synthesis of epoxide matrix, the synthesis and activation of amino matrix, the synthesis of aldehydic matrix, the synthesis of immunoabsorption matrix, the end capping and reduction of unbound aldehydic, the blocking of unbound mass and the filling of the column. Results of the bound rate of activated agarose gel and antibody HBsAb-IgG is 85.07% .By plasma adsorption
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