
来源 :湖南中学物理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zeone
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高中物理课程对刚进入高一的学生而言,是存在一定难度的。如何解决这一问题,首先要求学生能够转变学习方法,做好初中物理学习到高中物理学习的顺利过渡,初中物理关注的是物理现象及现象的解释,高中物理更关注的是物理概念、物理规律的理解、掌握和应用。高考物理在考查知识的同时,更注重能力的考查,并把对能力的考查放在首要位置,通过考查知识及其应用来鉴别学生能力的高低。下面笔者以高中物理直线运动内容来谈一谈如何帮助学生学好直线运动内容,迈好高中物理第一步。关于直线运动部分,可以指导学生从以下几 High school physics courses for freshmen just entered, there is a certain degree of difficulty. How to solve this problem first of all requires that students be able to change their learning methods and do a good job in junior middle school physics learning to achieve a smooth transition in high school physics. Junior middle school physics focuses on the interpretation of physical phenomena and phenomena. High school physics pays more attention to the concepts of physics and physics Understanding, mastery and application. While examining knowledge, college entrance examinations pay more attention to the examination of abilities and give top priority to the examination of abilities, and identify the level of abilities of students by examining the knowledge and its application. The following author to high school physical linear motion content to talk about how to help students learn linear motion content, a good high school physics step. About the straight-line exercise section, you can guide students from the following
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Effect of endothelin 1 on the isolated human and rabbit platelet activationLIUQue;LUOJian-Kai;HUWen-Shu(DepartmentofPharmacol... Effect of endothelin 1 on the isolated human and rabbit platelet activation ILUQue; LUOJian-Kai; HU Wen-Shu (Department of Ph