关于热固性增强塑料 注射成型机的螺杆结构

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螺杆是注射机的“心脏”部件。螺杆的结构是决定制品质量的关键因素之一。在注射热固性增强塑料时,螺杆的作用尤为重要。热固性增强注射塑料是六十年代末期问世的一种发展前途极为宽广的新型塑料。近两年来,国内相继开始研制的热固性增强注射塑料有改性酚醛玻璃纤维注射塑料、改性DAP玻璃纤维注射塑料、聚酯玻璃纤维注射塑料、三聚腈胺石棉纤维注射塑料等。这些新材料的出现迫切要求注射成型工艺,特別是螺杆结构方面进行新的研究,以满足生产高强度塑料制品的要 The screw is the “heart” part of the injection machine. The structure of the screw is one of the key factors that determine the quality of the product. In the injection of thermosetting plastic, the role of the screw is particularly important. Thermosetting enhanced injection molding plastics is the late 1960s the advent of a very broad development of new plastics. In the past two years, thermosetting injection molding plastics with modified phenolic glass fiber, modified DAP glass fiber injection plastic, polyester glass fiber injection plastic and melamine-asbestos fiber injection plastic have all been developed in China successively. The advent of these new materials urgently requires new research in injection molding processes, particularly screw construction, to meet the needs of high-strength plastic products
厚度为0.1—1.0毫米带材的标准弹性模量大部采用动力学方法进行测试。通过对扁平试样强制共振振动的观察所得出的方法可归结为下列计算公式: E=38.286×10~(-6)(v~2l~3p/bh~
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Last Sunday,we went on climbing. When we reached the foot of the mountain,we all were very excited. At first, we talked while we were climbing. But when we got
脸谱的模具居然是一个小气球;印章由橘子和山楂切片而成;在纸上能煎出让人直流口水的荷包蛋……听到这些,你是不是觉得像在变魔术? 现在,就让我们一起去看看,在启明双语幼儿