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2002年9月25日——27日,由新疆维吾尔自治区人事厅、新疆生产建设兵团人事局主办的西北五省(区)第六届专业技术人员继续教育协作会,在乌鲁木齐市召开。会议由新疆人事厅副厅长郑强同志主持。国家人事部专业技术人员管理司委派留学人员和专家服务中心培训与交流处 From September 25 to 27, 2002, the 6th Association for Continuing Education of Professional and Technical Personnel in Northwest Five Provinces (Regions) hosted by the Human Resources Department of Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region and the Personnel Bureau of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps was held in Urumqi. The meeting was chaired by Zheng Qiang, deputy director of Xinjiang Personnel Department. National Personnel Ministry of professional and technical personnel management division to send students to study and expert service center training and exchange office
Robust object tracking has been an important and challenging research area in the field of computer vision for decades. With the increasing popularity of afford
Network design problems (NDPs) have long been regarded as one of the most challenging problems in the field of transportation planning due to the intrinsic non-
We propose a new constructive algorithm, called HAPE3D, which is a heuristic algorithm based on the principle of minimum total potential energy for the 3D irreg
草苁蓉是一种寄生性植物,分布于长白山区,本文对该植物的生物学特性、生态环境及生长发育特性进行了观察研究,为该品种的人工栽培提供了依据。 Cistanche desertica is a pa