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每当夜阑人静,人们早已沉沉入睡的时候,徐徐的夜风,却送来了阵阵的喧哗声。这就是金鸡滩在咆哮怒吼。都柳江——三都至柳州,是珠江支流之一——的上游,是险滩层出不穷的河流,河水从榕江沿着山谷直流而下,到了距下江约两华里的地方,河床骤然变得狭窄弯曲,江心暗礁垒垒,水势也特别急湍,滩脚漩涡四起,两里路以外的地方就能清晰地听到它的撞击声。这就是有名的金鸡滩的所在地了。一提起金鸡滩,不要说坐船的人心慌,就是有几十年丰富经验的老水手也要胆战心惊。金鸡滩除了水势凶恶,形状象金鸡以外,还流传有这么一个神奇的故事:相传金鸡滩中有个水金鸡,它把住了 Whenever the night was quiet, people have long fallen asleep, the gusty night wind, but sent bursts of noises. This is rooster roar roar. Du Liujiang - Sandu to Liuzhou, which is one of the tributaries of the Pearl River, is an endless stream of rapids flowing down the valley from Rongjiang to the place where it flows about two miles down the river. The riverbed suddenly becomes Narrow bend, river reef basement barrier, the water is particularly acute turbulent, beach swirling everywhere, two miles away from the road can clearly hear it crashing. This is where the famous Golden Beach is. Mention the Golden Rooster Beach, do not say people who ride the boat palpitant, that is, the old sailors who have decades of experience must be frightened. In addition to the Golden Rooster Beach ferocious water, shaped like a golden rooster, but also circulated there is such a magical story: According to legend, there is a Golden Rooster Beach Golden Rooster, it lived
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分析了高校图书馆电子阅览室的主要功能与现状,指出服务管理中存在的主要问题,并提出了图书馆电子阅览室优化服务管理的主要措施。 The main functions and current situati
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