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高职院校为顺应新形势下的职业教育发展方向,体现“以服务为宗旨、以就业为导向”的职业教育办学方针。新时期高职院校大学生班级建设在形成过程中出现了一些新的情况,传统的班级模式难以适应当前新形势的发展需要,如何把高职院校的班级管理与素质教育有机结合,培养适合社会发展的新型人才。是摆在高职院校面前的一项重要任务。研究高职院校班级建设创新模式具有重要现实意义。 In order to conform to the direction of the development of vocational education in the new situation, vocational colleges embody the principle of running a vocational education with the aim of serving for purpose and taking employment as its orientation. There are some new situations in the formation of the class construction of college students in higher vocational colleges in the new era. The traditional class pattern is difficult to adapt to the current development needs of the new situation. How to combine the class management and quality education in higher vocational colleges, Social development of new talents. Is placed in front of an important task of vocational colleges. It is of great practical significance to study the innovation mode of class construction in higher vocational colleges.
《水文及为经济、社会发展而合理管理水资源的科学基础》是国际水文计划第三阶段(1984—1989)规划的总标题。 1981年8月,联合国教科文组织和世界气象组织在巴黎联合召开了国
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