Quality Evaluation of Astragali Radix Products by Quantitative Analysis of Multi-components by Singl

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Objective To develop a quantitative analysis of multi-components by single-marker(QAMS)method for the simultaneous determination of eight components in Astragali Radix products,and to examine the feasibility of using the method among the different dosage forms and between two different types of compounds.Methods Eight main effective components,campanulin,genistin,ononin,calycosin,genistein,formononetin,methylnissolin,and astragaloside IV were selected as analytes for the quality control of Astragali Radix products.Calycosin was selected as the internal reference substance,the content of which was determined by external standard method;the relative correction factors(RCFs)of campanulin,genistin,ononin,genistein,formononetin,methylnissolin,and astragaloside IV were calculated.In total,twelve Astragali Radix specimen in decoction pieces,as well as in two different dosage forms,such as granule and oral liquid products,were used for the quality control by both methods of external standard and QAMS.The validity of the QAMS method was evaluated by comparison on the quantitative results of the two methods.Results These RCFs were obtained with good reproducibility(RSD<6.5%)by using ultra high performance liquid chromatography coupled with diode array detector under various chromatographic conditions.Meanwhile,no obvious differences(RSD<3.98%)were found in the quantitative results of the seven components in twelve samples of Astragali Radix products determined by the two methods.Conclusion QAMS is a reliable and feasible method in determining the components in products of Astragali Radix. Objective To develop a quantitative analysis of multi-components by single-marker (QAMS) method for the simultaneous determination of eight components in Astragali Radix products, and to examine the feasibility of using the method among the different dosage forms and between two different types of compounds.Methods Eight main effective components, campanulin, genistin, ononin, calycosin, genistein, formononetin, methylnissolin, and astragaloside IV were selected as analytes for the quality control of Astragali Radix products. Calycosin was selected as the internal reference substance, the content of which was determined by external standard method; the relative correction factors (RCFs) of campanulin, genistin, ononin, genistein, formononetin, methylnissolin, and astragaloside IV were calculated.In total, twelve Astragali Radix specimen in decoction pieces, as well as in two different dosage forms, such as granule and oral liquid products, were used for the quality control by both methods of external standard a nd QAMS.The validity of the QAMS method was evaluated by comparison on the quantitative results of the two methods. Results These RCFs were obtained with good reproducibility (RSD <6.5%) by using ultra high performance liquid chromatography coupled with diode array detector under various chromatographic conditions. However, no obvious differences (RSD <3.98%) were found in the quantitative results of the seven components in twelve samples of Astragali Radix products determined by the two methods. Conlusion QAMS is a reliable and feasible method in determining the components in products of Astragali Radix.
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