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中国人的传统观念:没有孩子的家庭是不完整的家庭。自古以来,人们把不能生育的责任归咎于女人,于是,送子观音庙的香火格外旺盛,女人们忍受着指责和奚落,冀盼着自己的虔诚能感动上苍……显然,女人的虔诚没有能感动上苍却感动了科学,妇产科作为一门独立的临床学科已经有100多年的历史了。长年的研究结 Chinese traditional values: families without children are incomplete families. Since ancient times, people have blamed women for their non-fertility responsibility. As a result, the incense sent to the temple of Guanyin is exceptionally strong. The women endure accusations and ridicule, hoping that their piety will be able to impress God ... Obviously women’s piety can not Moved touched the science, obstetrics and gynecology as an independent clinical discipline has more than 100 years of history. Long years of research
轮式拖拉机的前轮胎普遍存在着提前磨损的问题.很多都达不到规定的使用寿命,有的不足1000小时就得更换。前轮胎的迅速磨 Wheeled tractor front tires are generally premat
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本文主要介绍了石泉水力发电厂空压机拉制柜的设计情况。 This article mainly introduces the design situation of air compressor pull cabinet in Shiquan Hydropower P
The methodology of catchment extraction especially from regular grid digital elevation models (DEMs) is briefly reviewed. Then an efficient algorithm, which com
患者杨某,43岁,因腹痛2天,昏倒1小时急诊入院,无闭经史,本次月经量少,持续8天,2天前突然下腹剧烈痛疼,呈持续性全腹饨痛,1小时前昏 The patient Yang, 43 years old, due t