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IAD(综合接人设备)作为NGN软交换(Softswitch)中一个重要的用户层终端设备,以其分组型接入、宽带化接入、综合性接入等特点,正成为软交换的一种主要的终端应用形式而得到厂商和运营商的关注。但同时,我们必须正视在IAD使用中所暴露出来的问题.如尚未取得一致的协议的细节认定、尚未形成统一的可操作、可维护的IAD网管等。诸如此类的问题在一定程度上制约了IAD设备的良性发展,限制了NGN软交换的应用。而这些问题的解决,很大程度上需要电信运营商根据市场需求、企业维护管理的需求以及客户使用习 As an important user layer terminal equipment in Softswitch, IAD (Integrated Access Equipment) is becoming a major part of softswitch due to its features such as packet access, broadband access and comprehensive access The terminal application of the form and get the manufacturers and operators attention. But at the same time, we must face up to the issues exposed in the use of IAD, as the details of the unanimous agreement have not yet been established and a unified, operable and maintainable IAD network management system has not been formed yet. To some extent, the problems of IAD equipment have restricted the healthy development of IAD equipment and limited the application of NGN softswitch. The solution to these problems, to a large extent, requires that telecom operators, according to market demand, the need for enterprise maintenance and management, and customer usage
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