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技巧運動在中國發展比較晚,但目前中國却已躋身於世界技巧强國之列。去年在北京舉行的第五屆技巧世界杯賽中,中國隊獲得了九枚金牌、六枚銀牌和七枚銅牌,顯示了自己的實力。技巧運動是一個藝術性很强的體育項目。它既有體操的矯健,又有雜技的驚險。運動員在十二米見方的地毯上,時而凌空騰起,時而凝神造型,表現出肌肉的力量、四肢的靈活和人體的健美,再配以節奏鮮明的音樂和婀娜多姿的舞蹈,將觀眾帶入心曠神怡的境界,給人以美的享受。 Skill sports have developed relatively lately in China, but China has now ranked among the world’s skilled powers. Last year at the Fifth World Cup in Beijing, the Chinese team won nine gold medals, six silver medals and seven bronze medals, showing their strength. Skill exercise is a very artistic sport. It is both vigorous gymnastics, acrobatic thrills. Athletes on the 12 meters square carpet, sometimes volley, sometimes stylized, showing muscle strength, limb flexibility and bodybuilding, coupled with the rhythmic music and graceful dance, the audience with Into the relaxed state, gives the United States to enjoy.
青城天下幽上清宫内我重游, 信是青城天下幽。碧洞丹台尘俗少, 歧棕银杏客踪稠。迷濛薄雾飞花雨, 浩淼烟波洒素秋。最喜登高千里目, 岷峨万象绕神州。重访邛崃邛州别去十三
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