
来源 :初中生世界 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fang82888
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中学生几乎天天都要做作业,可是相当一部分同学不明白为什么要做作业。有的是为了交差,应付老师和家长,于是他们做作业不动脑筋,死套公式,甚至干脆抄袭同学的答案。这样就很难收到良好的学习效果,更谈不上从作业中得到学习的乐趣。 做作业究竟要达到什么目的呢? 首先,它可以检查自己学习的效果。如果做作业很顺利,从一定程度上说明了预习、听 Middle school students have to do homework almost every day, but a considerable number of students do not understand why to do homework. Some of them are dealing with teachers and parents in order to make a difference, so they do not use their brains to do their homework, die-wrap formulas, and even simply copy the answers of their classmates. In this way, it is difficult to receive good learning results, not to mention the joy of learning from homework. What is the purpose of doing homework? First, it can check the effectiveness of their own learning. If the homework is going well, it explains the preview and listening to a certain degree.
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