Potential roles of longan flower and seed extracts for anticancer

来源 :World Journal of Experimental Medicine | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gaccia_zhou
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Polyphenol-rich plants are known to possess benefits to human health. Recent studies have revealed that many Traditional Chinese Medicines(TCMs) are rich sources of polyphenols and exhibit antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities, and these TCMs have been shown experimentally to overcome some chronic diseases, including cancer. Longan flowers and seeds, two TCMs traditionally used for relieving pain and urinary diseases, have been revealed in our recent reports and other studies to possess rich amounts of polyphenolic species and exhibit strong anti-oxidant activity, and these could be applied for the treatment of diabetes and cancer. Herein, we review the recent findings regarding the benefits of these two TCMs in the treatment of humancancer and the possible cellular and molecular mechanisms of both substances. Polyphenol-rich plants are known to possess benefits to human health. Recent studies have revealed that many traditional Chinese Medicines (TCMs) are rich sources of polyphenols and exhibit antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities, and these TCMs have been shown experimentally to overcome some chronic diseases, including cancer. Longan flowers and seeds, two TCMs traditionally used for relieving pain and urinary diseases, have been revealed in our recent reports and other studies to possess rich amounts of polyphenolic species and exhibit strong anti-oxidant activity, and these could be applied for the treatment of diabetes and cancer. Herein, we review the recent findings regarding the benefits of these two TCMs in the treatment of human cancer and the possible cellular and molecular mechanisms of both substances.
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