积极推进初中入学办法改革 促进本市中小学向素质教育转轨——在上海市初中入学办法改革工作研讨会上的讲话(摘要)

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徐匡迪市长在市人大十届四次全会上所作的政府工作报告中已明确提出,上海到2000年要基本实现从应试教育到素质教育的转轨。而初中入学办法改革,正是实现应试教育向素质教育转轨的具有关键性质的一步。一、本市初中入学办法改革不断深化,取得突破性的进展80年代中期,本市就开始了初中招生办法的改革。自1986年以来,本市郊县已经实施小学毕业生免去升学考试就近升入初中,重点中学高、初中分离办学。在市区也进行了多种改革的探索,到1990年,各区均已实行了“划小块,填报一个志愿,就近入学”的办法。这些改革,一定程度上缓解了小学生升初中的激烈竞争。1991年本市正式制定了《上海市市区初中招生办法改革方案》,根据分步实施、逐步推进的原则,首先取消全区选拔性统考,实行绝大部分学生划块就近 Mayor Xu Kuangdi clearly stated in his government work report at the Fourth Plenary Session of the Tenth National People’s Congress that from 2000 to 2000, Shanghai should basically realize the transition from exam-oriented education to quality education. The reform of the junior high school admissions system is a crucial step in the transition from exam-oriented education to quality education. I. The reform of the junior high school entrance method in this Municipality has been continuously deepened and breakthroughs have been made. In the mid-1980s, the city began the reform of the junior high school admissions system. Since 1986, the suburbs and counties of the city have already implemented elementary school graduates to enter the junior high school without the entrance exam. The high schools and junior high schools in key schools are separated. In the urban areas, a variety of reforms were also explored. By 1990, all districts had implemented the method of “dividing small blocks, filling in one volunteer, and entering the nearest school”. These reforms have, to some extent, eased the fierce competition among pupils in junior high school and junior high school. In 1991, the city formally formulated the “Measures for the Reform of the Admission Methods for Junior High Schools in Shanghai Urban Area,” and based on the principle of gradual implementation and gradual progress, the district’s selective examinations will be canceled first, and the vast majority of students will be placed nearby.
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