
来源 :中国钓鱼 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong454
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经过多年垂钓实践,发现炸弹钩饵荤素结合,上鱼率高,效果好。其作法是: 先将常规炸弹钩饵和好,捏成鸡蛋大小,装在炸弹钩弹簧上,捏紧固定后,再将6只炸弹钩穿上鲜活的红蚯蚓,蚯蚓头或尾部留于钩尖外约1~1.5厘米,然后再将挂上蚯蚓的钩均匀地安插在饵料上即可。这样做好处是:①饵料溶解扩散快。当饵料和蚯蚓入水后,蚯蚓不断地在饵料上蠕动,可加快饵料进一步溶解扩散。②诱鱼进窝快。饵料入水溶解扩散后,香、甜、酸等味散发面积大,气味浓,促使鱼类进窝快。③上鱼率高。当鱼进窝后,发现蚯蚓在窝内蠕动,经不住饵料香味的诱惑,就会直接咬蚯蚓而上 After years of fishing practice, we found that the combination of hook and hook bait meat and meat, the fish rate is high, the effect is good. The practice is: first conventional hook and bait and good, pinched into the size of the egg, mounted on the bomb hook spring, pinch the fixed, and then put the bomb to wear six live red earthworms, earthworm head or tail to stay Hook tip about 1 to 1.5 cm, and then hook the earthworm hanging evenly placed in the food can be. The benefits are: ① rapid dissolution of food diffusion. When the bait and earthworms into the water, earthworms constantly peristalsis on the bait can speed up the further dissolution of food diffusion. ② lure fish into the nest fast. After the bait into the water to dissolve and diffuse, fragrant, sweet, sour and other flavors exudes a large area, smell strong, prompting fish into the nest fast. ③ fish rate is high. When the fish into the nest, found that worms peristalsis in the nest, unable to withstand the temptation of food flavor, it will directly bite the earthworm
“张指导上哪儿去了?”我指着从大房间里隔出来的那个副主任办公室,向乒乓球运动管理中心的同志询问他们领导的去向。 “走啦,到南方看乒协杯比赛去啦。你要见他, 得“10天
朱振家先生主编的《简明古代汉语》简练精要、内容丰富、方便实用,但笔者认为其中一些细微之处也存在值得商榷的地方,有必要提出来探讨。 The concise and ancient Chinese
“回忆录” 醉汉的呕吐物。当时吃下去的东西大半倒是都吐出来了,但是,谁又能够据此而分辨出当初酒席的色香味呢?“正确性” ①官衔的级别。级别越高,正确性就越高,与“学问”“见
调查地点:北京、上海、广州、成都调查时间:2001年1~9月调查方法:随机电话访问样本量:3875人被访者:15~45岁的消费者;男女各半一、手机普及情况趋势分析 Survey locations: B