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在第二批党的群众路线教育实践活动中,习近平总书记、李克强总理等中共中央政治局常委们在全国范围内分别选择一个县作为联系点,示范带动和推进全党的群众路线教育实践活动。我区的翁牛特旗被确定为李克强总理的联系点。李克强总理带领中央有关部门领导同志两次深入翁牛特旗实地调研,听取了三次情况汇报,作出了重要指示并进行了全程指导,确保教育实践活动扎实深入开展。为了贯彻落实李克强总理的指示精神,切实把翁牛特旗党的群众路线教育实践活动抓好、抓实、抓出成效,自治区党委书记王君等领导同志先后多次来到翁牛特旗调研指导工作,对翁牛特旗开展党的群众路线教育实践活动和推进旗域经济社会发展给予充分关心和大力支持。在中央和自治区领导的亲切关怀和高度重视下,翁牛特旗党的群众路线教育实践活动高起点开局、高标准开展、高质量推进,取得了让群众满意的良好成效,充分发挥了作为中央领导联系点的示范引领作用。为了全面总结和大力宣传翁牛特旗党的群众路线教育实践活动的创新做法、典型经验和实践成效,实践杂志社组成专题调研组,深入翁牛特旗进行了专题调研采访。 In the second batch of party’s mass line education practice activities, General Secretary Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang and other members of the Politburo Standing Committee of the CPC Central Committee respectively choose a county as a contact point nationwide to demonstrate and promote the mass line education practice of the whole party . Wengniute flag in my area was identified as the contact point of Premier Li Keqiang. Premier Li Keqiang led the leaders of the relevant central government departments on two occasions to conduct in-depth investigations and research on the Wenguiti Banner. He listened to three briefings, gave important instructions and conducted full guidance so as to ensure a solid and in-depth education practice. In order to implement Premier Li Keqiang’s directives and conscientiously grasp the achievements of the Wuniu Techi Party’s mass line education practice, leading members of the Party Committee of the autonomous region, Wang Jun, and other leaders have visited the Wenguiti Banner for many times Guidance and give full attention and support to Weng Niu Tezhi in carrying out the party’s mass line education practice and promoting the economic and social development in the banner area. With the cordial care and great attention of the leaders of the Central Government and the autonomous region, the Wuniu Teqi Party’s mass line education practice started with a high starting point, carried out with high standards and advanced in quality, achieved good results in satisfying the masses and gave full play to the Central Government Lead the point of contact demonstration of the leading role. In order to comprehensively summarize and vigorously promote the innovative practices, typical experience and practical results of the practice of mass line education in the Wengniute Banner Party, a special research group of practice magazine was formed to conduct in-depth research and interview with Weng Niu Teqi.
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本刊1991年第12期发表的《建议收据本的封面上印制“启用、缴销一览表”》一文,学习后颇受启发。除同意文中观点外,还想作点补充。 近些年,笔者接触了一些经济案件,某些企业