Mechanical properties and supporting effect of CRLD bolts under static pull test conditions

来源 :International Journal of Minerals Metallurgy and Materials | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Depthcharge2009
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A device for supporting soft rock masses combined with a constant resistance structure characterized by constant resistance and large deformation at the end of a steel bar, known as the constant resistance and large deformation(CRLD) bolt, has recently been developed to counteract soft rock swelling that often occurs during deep mining. In order to further study the mechanical properties of the CRLD bolt, we investigated its mechanical properties by comparison with the conventional strength bolt(rebar) using static pull tests on many aspects, including supporting capacity, elongation, radial deformation, and energy absorption. The tests verified that the mechanical defects of the rebar, which include the decrease of bolt diameter, reduction of supporting capacity, and emergence and evolution of fracture until failure during the whole pull process, were caused by the Poisson’s ratio effect. Due to the special structure set on the CRLD bolt, the bolt presents a seemingly unusual phenomenon of the negative Poisson’s ratio effect, i.e., the diameter of the constant resistance structure increases while under-pulling. It is the very effect that ensures the extraordinary mechanical properties, including high resistance, large elongation, and strong energy absorption. According to the comparison and analysis of numerical simulation and field test, we can conclude that the CRLD bolt works better than the rebar bolt. A device for supporting soft rock masses combined with a constant resistance structure characterized by constant resistance and large deformation at the end of a steel bar, known as the constant resistance and large deformation (CRLD) bolt, has has been developed to counteract soft rock swelling that often occurs during deep mining. In order to further study the mechanical properties of the CRLD bolt, we investigated its mechanical properties by comparison with the conventional strength bolt (rebar) using static pull tests on many aspects, including supporting capacity, elongation, radial deformation, and energy absorption. The tests verified that the mechanical defects of the rebar, which include the decrease of bolt diameter, reduction of supporting capacity, and emergence and evolution of fracture until failure during the whole pull process, were caused by the Poisson’s ratio effect. Due to the special structure set on the CRLD bolt, the bolt presents a seemingly unusual phenomen on of the negative Poisson’s ratio effect, ie, the diameter of the constant resistance structure increases while under-pulling. It is the very effect that ensures the extraordinary mechanical properties, including high resistance, large elongation, and strong energy absorption. According to the comparison and analysis of numerical simulation and field test, we can conclude that the CRLD bolt works better than the rebar bolt.
当准备迎接一个新生命的时候,需要做准备的,是妈妈,是父母两人,还是整个家庭?  我们生活在一个关系盘根错节的家文化中,从一个孩子即将孕育的那一刻开始,影响他的就是整个家庭系统。  说到老一辈父母的支持,从我自己实践的过程中发现,他们对小家庭的干涉分两种情况,要么就是管得太多,要么就是放任不管,两种情况对小家庭都有冲击。  放任不管,无法提供有效支持  在这类家庭中,虽然也欢迎新生命的到来,但老一辈
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1912,伦敦奥运会后的第四年  4月10日,泰坦尼克号从英国南安普敦(Southampton)出发,途经法国瑟堡-奥克特维尔(Cherbourg-Octeville)以及爱尔兰昆士敦(Queenstown),计划中的目的地为美国纽约(New York),开始了这艘“梦幻客轮”的处女航。4月14日晚11点40分,泰坦尼克号在北大西洋撞上冰山(大约在41°43’55.66"N 49°56’45.02
有一天,我在门外就听见儿子在告状:“媽妈绝对更年期了,答应好给我3块钱,说变卦就变卦。真是太逆反了。”他气急败坏,我都听见拿脚踢桌子腿的声音。我推门先进厕所冷静了一会儿,怎么也想不起来什么时候答应过给他3块钱。那个夜晚,愣是在谁也没理谁中度过了,还真够难熬的。  我自己也经历过青春期,没觉得那是病,写几首没人看懂的诗就康复了。可现在孩子青春期,二话不说先给我扣上更年期的帽子。  转天几个同学小聚。