What Determined Your Social Hierarchy in High School in America and China? Effects of Different Abil

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  Social Hierarchy exists in both Chinese and American high schools and distinct characteristics might effect their position in high school society. One experiment is used to explore the characteristics that decree. First is that high ability does not always lead to improvement in social hierarchy. Second is that there is also cultural differences between Chinese and American high school society that may contribute to the different factors that define “popular’ students. Third is that there are also differences between freshmen sophomore, junior and senior in high school. This is exploratory research which we seek to understand the bases of social hierarchy cross cultural and develop hypothesis we can test in factual research.
  Cloris and Maliah are students in an American high school. Mariah is “popular”, she has a stable friend group and seems to be the main leader in that group. She never has time to be alone, since she is surrounded by people all the time. If she dislikes someone, people would start to be critical of that person. Cloris is not “ popular” and her life has nothing to do with “ popular”. She is less likely to be a leader among students. Of course, few people in school cares about who she dislikes. So her personal preference has very little impact on others whereas Maliah can easily manipulate people and effect their way of doing things based on her preference. What decides their influence in high school students?
  Status is a person’s standing and importance in relation to other people in society. In high school situation, it is when students first begin to fit in society that assembles adults’ world. High school is also the time when students develop their brain most rapidly. Their cognition and values would experience a breakthrough at this time. The hierarchy in China and America is very different, thus the social hierarchy in high school is different. The factors that define the hierarchy are related to both physical and social aspects. In this research, a survey is done to explore the importance of each factor.
  Literature review:
  In Cameron Anderson’s social hierarchy study “ Who Attains Social Status? Effects of Personality and Physical attractiveness in Social Groups”, he mainly focuses on studying face-to-face status. He also chooses effective samples: samples of his physical attractiveness are basically depended on two different dimensions of beauty: physical and dynamic. In addition, in the design of the physical attractiveness measurement, each participant knows nothing about the people in the video, which exempt the possibility of the effect of personality. The flaw of this research is the samples of all male and all-female groups are not from the same place. Since different region has different view of physical attractiveness, personality, and status, a mistake might happen. Also he uses Big Five Personality traits to test people’s characteristics. For example, if people really enjoy talking to people, then they belong to extraverted group. In order to examine their status, he uses 2 value to determine participant’s status: peer ratings of prominence on a 4-point scale ranging from 1(don’t know at all) to 4 (know extremely well) and an objective life-outcome data which based on real life position and offices. The situation in school is quite different. Since students in the same private school have little disparity of educational resource and family background, the main factors that affect their social status in school are mostly about their own characteristics. So this survey focuses on the characteristics of students instead of their social position. (Argument: potential cultural difference gender Chinese content social hierarchy differently)(data>>argument >>rational) The argument   Hypotheis:
  1.There is difference between female and male’s view of the importance of “sports”
  2.There is difference between Chinese and American high school students’ view of GPA because of its cultural difference.
  Through comparing 2 different groups of data of male and female, we found that “humorous” ,“sports ability”, “good-looking” , and “rich” are important to both male and female’s popularity. However, when it comes to sports ability, the mean rating of male is while female is, which means men views sports ability more important than women’s view.The interesting finding is, male tends to consider rich not so important as women does. They put “nice” before it. The male’s average score of “rich” is 2.03 while nice is 4.35. For women, the score of “rich” is 3.44.
  Further Study:
  For good-looking, there is a question that needed further study: whether male think female’s appearance is important or male’s appearance is important. When they judge the importance of factors they use a model of fame sex or the other sex?
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一位钢琴家,也是克利夫兰音乐学院的教师——亚瑟 略瑟尔(Arthur Luesser),写过一本《男人,女人和钢琴——一部社会史》。书中谈到钢琴不仅仅是一件乐器、无数伟大音乐的载体,同时也是中产阶级进阶的标志、受教育程度的体现,以及流行商业的必需品。19世纪的欧洲,钢琴发展正处于艺术商业社会的十字路口。在1847年前后,英法两国无疑是钢琴保有量和制造量的领头羊,到1910年,美国取代了这一地位。书
这里,并不是20世纪70年代中国的模样。  第一次出国,是在我19岁那年,不是我心存向往,而是公派留学。  我去的第一个国家,是古巴。  之前,在我的想象里,古巴和刚果、朝鲜、阿富汗,就是一个概念。这里应该是满街的扛着RPG的黑人,用棕榈叶子搭建的房子,街上丰田皮卡开过,卷起一阵红土。  如果不是国家公派,有协议在先,我可能一辈子都不敢,也不想走这一趟。  去古巴,要从法国转机。当我降落戴高乐机场
无论政策如何,作为留学生,提高警惕、远离大麻是应该时刻铭记于心的一条红线。  当地时间2018年6月20日下午,加拿大总理杜鲁多正式宣布,加拿大将于10月17日正式实施大麻合法化。  新闻一出,世界震惊。  世界范围内大麻法令分为娱乐性、医用、种植三大类  大麻是世界上最受欢迎的休闲药物,仅次于酒精、咖啡因和烟草。  就在2018年10月16日,新西兰媒体报道了一起令人悲痛的悲剧。年仅24岁的中国
出来的人,总是要面子的,只会给国内说在美国的好,自己真正过得如何,都是不会讲出去的,不然给人家笑话,所以国内人都觉得国外很好,都想移民。  清晨,当杨婆婆把波士顿唐人街的垃圾桶差不多都翻完一遍后,纽约长岛的李太太刚刚结束了一场派对睡下,Alex则钻出纽约地铁,猛灌了几口咖啡,抖擞了下精神走进终年不见阳光的华尔街。在美国的西海岸,洛杉矶富人区的华人派对正热热闹闹迎来高潮,一些留学生还在熬夜改着论文,
“我心里总是默默念着希望我的学生们能学成归来,不要留在国外工作。因为,我们是中国人,中国需要我们。”  2008年5月12日—2018年5月12日,整整十年。  我川大的学弟学妹私信我说:“写一篇文字纪念一下吧?”《留学》杂志社的约稿邀请,也已早早递来。我点头应着,可是说真的,我不想写。  我不想写,是因为我不敢写,我怕让无辜的人结痂的伤口再次撕裂。但我要写,因为我想给你们一个最真实平凡的记忆,然
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