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一、图们江地区开发信息的重要性图们江三角带具有以下两个方面的特点:一是特殊的地理位置。这个地区和我国其它沿海开发区不同,地处中、朝、俄三国交接地带,中朝为江界,中俄为陆界,俄朝都靠日本海,但中国离海还有15公里,这段江界又是俄朝国界,不属于中国;二是不同国情。这个地区的三个国家原来都是社会主义国家,但经过前几年的国际动荡,原苏联解体,俄罗斯联邦取而代之。三个国家都致力于改革开放,但具体政策和措施都不同,而且这一地区在本国都处于不发达的边远地区,基础薄弱,开发难度较大。但这个地区又是资源丰富,廉价劳动力较多,具有开发潜力的地区。中国从中央到地方都表现出积极的态度,采取各种优惠政策,积极推进这个地区的开发开放。俄朝也表现出积极的态度,但相对来说还没有中国的决心大,而且他们两国在这个地区都已有较大的港口。特别是朝鲜由于各种原因,虽然有一定程度的开放意识和政策,但步子迈得不大。从这点可以看到,图们江地区的开发必须是周边的 First, the importance of developing information in the Tumen River Tumen River Delta has the following two characteristics: First, the special geographical location. This area is different from other coastal development zones in China. It is located in the handover zone of China, DPRK and Russia. China and the DPRK are the river boundary. China and Russia are the land boundary. Both Russia and the DPRK rely on the Japan Sea. However, China is 15 km away from the sea. Duanjiang sector is the Russian-North Korean border, does not belong to China; Second, different national conditions. The three countries in the region were originally socialist countries, but after a few years of international turmoil, the former Soviet Union was dissolved and the Russian Federation replaced it. All three countries are committed to reform and opening up. However, specific policies and measures are different. In addition, all the three countries in this country are in underdeveloped areas with weak foundations and difficulties in their development. However, this area is also an area rich in resources and with more cheap labor and potential for development. China has shown a positive attitude from the central authorities to local governments and adopted various preferential policies to actively promote the development and opening up in this region. Russia and the DPRK also showed a positive attitude, but China is still not yet relatively determined and their two countries already have larger ports in the region. Especially for a variety of reasons, North Korea has not taken a big step toward opening up to a certain degree of awareness and policy of opening up. As you can see from this point, the development of the Tumen River area must be peripheral
本文通过实例证明在维吾尔语中一个构形语素可以同时表示几种语法意义,而同一个语法意义也可以用不同的构形语素未表示的语言现象。 In this paper, we prove that one morph
科幻电影可以创造彻底脱离现实的时空,令观众时而憧憬、时而反思、时而浪漫或时而沉醉,但千变万化不能忘记一条:弄虚作假。 这方面的高手仍首推好莱坞。随着视听科技的进步,
文章讨论了藏语复合数词中连接成分的构成及其形式。通过书面语与方言的比较,分析了连接成分的来源及演变方式在各方言和书面语中的异同及特点,连接成分rtsa来源于实词brtsegs的虚化。 Th
一九六四年天津市体育工作应继续高举三面红旗,发扬革命精神,认真贯彻国家和全省体育工作会议精神,结合我市实际情况,从讲求实效,重视质量出发进行全面安排。具体工作是: I