The application of island myocutaneous flap for challenging wounds on cervico-thoracic region

来源 :中国人民解放军军医大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fanny_lizzy
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Objective:To introduce the experiences in the application of island myocutaneous flap for challenging wound on cervico-thoracic region. Methods: Different myocutaneous flaps were selected according to the location, peculiarity and etiological factor of wound. There were 28 cases of island pectoralis major island myocutanuous flaps, 34 cases of latissimus dorsi island myocutaneous flaps, 19 cases of trapizius island myocutaneous flaps and 17 cases of rectus abdominis island myocutaneous flaps in this report. Results: All 98 patients with challenging wound on cervico-thoracic region were successfully treated with this method without complications, and obtained functional and cosmetic effectiveness. Conclusion:Challenging wounds in cervico-nuchal region can be repaired with pertoralis major island myocutaneous flap, latissimus dorsi island myocutaneous flap and trapizius island myocutaneous flap, while challenging wounds in thoracic region can be repaired with latissimus dorsi island myocutaneous flap and rectus abdominis island myocutaneous flap. Satisfactory functional and cosmetic results can be obtained.
目的 探讨颅内各部位动脉瘤在不同体位的显示满意程度,以便优化体位设计,增加DSA检查对颅内动脉瘤的显示满意度,从而提高检出率.方法 197例全脑血管造影中椎动脉造影时常规摄
目的比较三种不同剂量芬太尼复合丙泊酚在胃镜检查术中的应用.方法 ASAⅠ~Ⅱ级胃镜检查术123例.随机分成3组.诱导开始Ⅰ组静注芬太尼1 μg/kg;Ⅱ组静注芬太尼1.6 μg/kg;Ⅲ组
目的 探讨主要生产设备为露天框架式布置的石化、化工等行业的职业病危害特点,准确评价作业工人接触的职业病危害程度.方法 采用类比法、检查表法、检测检验法等评价方法开展