
来源 :中外建筑 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liuzhuoran
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各省、自治区、直辖市建委(建设厅),计划单列市建委,江苏、山东省建管局,国务院有关部门,解放军总后营房部,新疆生产建设兵团: 自1994年我部提出建筑业重点推广应用10项新技术以来,得到各地区、各部门和广大建筑企业的积极响应,10项新技术推广力度不断加大,取得了明显成效。为适应工程建设的需要,根据建筑施工技术发展的实际情况,需要对原有的10项新技术内容加以调整。现将修订后的《建筑业10项新技术》(详见附件)印发给你们,请结合实际,认真贯 Construction committees (construction halls) of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government, planned municipal construction commissions, Jiangsu, Shandong Province Construction Management Bureau, relevant departments of the State Council, General Logistics Department of the People’s Liberation Army, and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps: Since 1994, the Ministry of Construction has proposed the key promotion and application of the construction industry. Since the 10 new technologies, they have received positive responses from various regions, departments, and construction companies. The promotion of 10 new technologies has continued to increase and has achieved remarkable results. In order to meet the needs of the project construction, according to the actual development of building construction technology, it is necessary to adjust the contents of the original 10 new technologies. The revised “10 new technologies in construction industry” (see Annex for details) is hereby issued to you. Please combine it with practice.
一日,几位秀才携酒登山,吟诗作赋,煞是热闹。唐寅见状,便想上去和他们开个玩笑。他扮作乞丐模 One day, a few scholar carrying wine Mountaineering, poetry, fu is trul
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促进残疾人的康复、教育、就业和物质文化生活的改善与进步 ,实现残疾人“平等、参与、共享”的目标 ,是社会主义优越性的重要体现。《中国残疾人事业“九五”计划纲要》及《
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