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12月5日,是第27个国际志愿者日,第二届广东公益志愿文化节暨第二届志愿服务广州交流会在广州开幕。在开幕式上,广东省社工与志愿者合作促进会揭牌成立,这也是中国首个省级社工与志愿者合作促进会。广东省社工与志愿者合作促进会将不以项目运营为主业,而是把精力更多地放在智力支持上,改变以往一提到社工与志愿者合作就认为要投入大量资金的误区。共青团广东省委将联合广东省民政厅争取今年年底前出台《关于推广“社工+志愿者”联动模式的实施意见》,全面 December 5, is the 27th International Volunteers Day, the second session of the Guangdong Volunteer Cultural Volunteer Festival and the second Guangzhou Volunteer Service Conference opened in Guangzhou. At the opening ceremony, Guangdong Province Social Workers and Volunteers Association for the Promotion of Undertaking was established, which is also China’s first provincial-level social workers and volunteers Association for Promotion. Instead of focusing on project operations, the Guangdong Provincial Association of Social Workers and Volunteers will devote more energy to intellectual support and change the misunderstanding that the social workers and volunteers mentioned in the past would think they should invest a lot of money. Communist Youth League Guangdong Provincial Party Committee to Joint Guangdong Provincial Civil Affairs Department for the introduction of the end of this year, “on the promotion of” social workers + volunteers, “the implementation of the views of” linkage mode, comprehensive
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在今年山东的政府工作报告中,民生篇幅占比要远远高于其它省份,在“高大上”的政府工作报告中,民生与我们普通人的生活密切相关,2016年,山东人的生活会发生哪些改变?我们不妨一起梳理一下。  民生的“大事”与“小事”:申建自贸区、市市通高铁、人工耳蜗  今年的山东省政府工作报告中,省长郭树清首次披露了山东正在积极申建中国(山东)自由贸易试验区的消息。  值得一提的是,在已经召开两会的地区中,已有大约十
如同一座围城,外边的急着进去,里边的闹着出来。 如同一个舞台,乱哄哄你方唱罢我登场。 职业联赛给体育带来了繁荣,也引出了前所未有的问题和思考。 Like a siege, th
8月8日一早,当我们全家和杜近芳、李毓芳、李 玉芙、马小曼、王志怡等梅派传人一起来到北京西郊万花山父亲梅兰芳灵前祭奠他逝世40周年时,我依然感到父亲的音容笑貌就在眼前,他的教