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今年4月12日,和煦的春风把我们送到人杰地灵、风景如画的胶州北梁,是桃花盛开的地方,恰逢胶北镇招商引资、繁荣经济盛世之际。这片桃林以北梁为中心,辐射周围十几个村,总面积达10000多亩。桃林之大,桃花之多,百姓生活之美满,陶渊明的,桃花源记,描写的生活是无法媲美,置身于桃花的海洋,我早已心旷神怡……10几年前,这里还是春风吹不到的地方,同样的季节,同样的月份,同样的这一天,但,却有着截然不同的景色,到处几乎光秃秃的,风一吹,沙土飞扬,看不清天是蓝的,还是灰的,甚至人们连方向都分不清楚,即使是沟边土路旁,有几棵树,看那干瘦弯曲的样子,更让人心酸,那不正是北梁人民穷困生活的缩影吗?……如今,党的富民政策,像春风,把原本是土坡丘岭的荒野,变成了桃林绵延几十里的聚宝盆。春天,桃花如海映红天;秋天,硕果累累压 April 12 this year, the warm spring breeze us to the old times, the picturesque Jiaozhou Beiliang, where peach blossoms, coincides with the investment in the town of Jiaobei, the prosperity of the flourishing economy. This piece of forest north beam as the center, a dozen villages around the radiation, the total area of ​​10,000 mu. Taolin big, peach blossom, people’s life beauty, Tao Yuanming, Peach Blossom Spring, description of life is unmatched, exposure to the ocean of peach blossom, I have long been relaxed and happy ... ... 10 years ago, here or the spring breeze blowing The same season, the same month, the same day, but with a very different view, almost bald everywhere, the wind blowing, sand flying, can not see the sky is blue, or gray, and even people Even the direction is not clear, even the ditch on the sidewalks, a few trees, look lean and bent, more sad, then it is not a microcosm of Beidun people’s poor life? ... Now, the party’s rich people Policy, like the spring breeze, turned the wilderness that had originally been a slope hillside into a cornucopia that stretches for dozens of miles in Taolin. Spring, peach, such as the sea red sky; fall, fruitful pressure
· AIM: To evaluate the ability of various laser wavelengths in delivering sufficient burns to the retina in eyes with cataract using a new multicolor pattern s
MAX90 75 / MAX90 77微功耗比较器仅需 3μA即可获得 5 40 ns的传输延迟。它工作于单电源 + 2 .1V至 + 5 .5 V,采用超小型封装 ,比业界其它任何微功耗比较器具有更优的速度 /
一种用于 BGA结构的全自动检测系统—— PA2 0 0 BGA是在封装工艺之前进行的高密度器件功能性测试系统 ,利用该检测系统可简化工艺步骤及排除器件故障。随着微加工和电讯工业
The purpose of this study was to assess the relationship between arterial stiffness,as measured by brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity(baPWV),and the presence of