服务建设发展 服务社会民生 深化活动成效——湖北省民宗委学习实践科学发展观着力在解决问题上下功夫、求实效

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为进一步有效深入地开展学习实践科学发展观活动,不断提高学习实践活动的针对性和实效性,湖北省民宗委坚持把学习实践和解决问题相结合,围绕少数民族和信教群众最关心、最直接、最现实的利益问题,以解决当前存在的突出问题作为突破口,以做好当前各项工作为着力点,采取有力措施,注重突出实践特色,着力解决实际问题,深化活动成效。 In order to further effectively and deeply carry out the activities of studying and implementing the scientific outlook on development and continuously improve the pertinence and effectiveness of the study and practice activities, Hubei Minzong Committee insists on combining learning and practice with solving problems, and focuses on the issues most and often most concerned about by ethnic minorities and religious believers Direct and practical interest issues, take the outstanding problems currently existing as a breakthrough point, focus on doing a good job of all kinds of current work, take effective measures, pay attention to highlighting practical features, make efforts to solve practical problems, and deepen the effectiveness of activities.
樟蚕Eriogyna Pyretorum Westwood属鳞翅目大蚕蛾科,是景东核桃产区的主要食叶害虫,多年来常此起彼伏地大发生,将核桃叶大部或全部吃光,使核桃大量提前落果,存留的核桃种仁
一般测定种粒大、种皮硬的种子优良度时,只能采用解剖法。为节省人力,简化方法,笔者采用比重法测定,结果与解剖法无显著差异。 General determination of seed size, hard s
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对于美国人来说,意大利最杰出的明星永远是安娜·玛尼亚尼。使他们神魂颠倒的安娜似乎是从另一个星球降临到好莱坞 For Americans, the most prominent Italian star is al
MicrascanⅢ步进机增强了SVGL公司深紫外光刻市场竞争力据《ElectronicNews》1996年8月12日报道,SVGL公司今秋推出MicrascanⅢ步进机同日本两大光刻设备公司竞争深紫外光刻.设备市场。Nikon公司的NSR-S201... Micrascan Stepping Machine En
To foster communication and interactions amongst international scholars and scientists in the field of ion channel research, the 6 th International Ion Channel