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今年暑假,浙江省教委教研室和省动物学会,联合举办了赴南麂科学考察的活动。7月13日,80多名会员和教师,在中国动物学会常务理事、浙江省动物学会理事长裘明华教授的带领下,来到温州港码头,登上了直达快艇,沿着浩浩荡荡的瓯江,驰向浩瀚无垠的东海。阵阵海风,激起了一个又一个海浪,快艇乘风破浪地在大海中搏击了一个半小时,突然有人叫起来“快看,到南麂了……。”我们涌向窗口望去,果然,南麂岛就像一头矫健的麂,出现在东南面辽阔的海面上,它的四周,散布着一长串明珠般的小岛和明礁、暗岩,仿佛璀璨的翡翠项链,金光闪闪,银光熠熠。啊!我们终于来到被世人誉之为碧海仙山的南麂列岛了。 This summer, Zhejiang Provincial Board of Education and the Provincial Institute of Zoology, jointly organized by the Nanji scientific expedition. On July 13, more than 80 members and teachers, led by Prof. Qiu Minghua, standing director of China Zoological Society and chairman of Zhejiang Zoological Society, came to Wenzhou Port to boarded a direct speedboat along the mighty Ou River, towards the vast East China Sea. Bursts of sea breeze, stirred up waves one after another, the speedboat struggling in the sea for an hour and a half, and suddenly someone called up “look, to the South Mu ... ...” We flock to the window, and sure enough, South Island deer is like a vigorous muntjac, appeared in the southeast sea surface, it is surrounded by a long list of pearl islands and reefs scattered, rock, as if bright emerald necklace, glittering, silver Sparkling. Ah! We finally came to the Nanji Islands, which have been praised by the world as the sea of ​​blue sky.
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