Current status of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jhcjsc
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Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (ICC) is a rare primary liver cancer with a global increasing trend in recent years. Symptoms tend to be vague and insidious in development, often are diagnosed at an advanced stage when only palliative approaches can be used with a median survival rate of months. Comparing with HCC, ICC tends to spread to lymph nodes early, and is rarely limited to the regional lymph nodes, with a frequent postoperative recurrence. Surgery is the only choice of curative therapy for ICC, but recently no consensus has been established for operation. Thus, more data from multiple centers and more cases are needed. Generally speaking, current adjunctive therapy cannot clearly improve survival. Further research is needed to find more effective radio- and chemotherapeutic regimens. Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (ICC) is a rare primary liver cancer with a global increasing trend in recent years. Symptoms tend to be vague and insidious in development, often are diagnosed at an advanced stage when only palliative approaches can be used with a median survival rate of months. Comparing with HCC, ICC tends to spread to lymph nodes early, and is rarely limited to the regional lymph nodes, with a frequent postoperative recurrence. Surgery is the only choice of curative therapy for ICC, but recently no consensus has been established for Operations, Thus, more data from multiple centers and more cases are needed. Further research is needed to find more effective radio- and chemotherapeutic regimens.
1998年1月~2003年12月,我科共诊治鼻腔异物108例,现总结分析如下。临床资料108例患者,男性88例,女性30例。右鼻腔45例,左鼻腔63例;最小1.5~50岁,其中1.5~8岁88例,占81.48%。 F
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