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长期以来,职高语文的教学内容和方法沿袭了普高语文的一切,只是为了适应职高学生水平低的现状,不得不以减少教学内容的知识含量和降低对教学效果检测的要求的办法来勉强度日,而检查时的标准又是以掌握知识的量的多少来衡量学生的优劣。这样,我们的迁就,就只能导致学生越来越差,教师越教越无法教的恶性循环。同时有些知识对学生没有什么实际用处的真实现状又加剧了学生厌学的情绪。当然,我们没有说学者不用辩识,学者靠辩识这些吃饭,那是学者的事,我们的孩子们要靠做活,并在做活中与人进行口头用语的交流来吃饭,要靠实用的语文素养来吃饭,而不是靠语文知识来吃饭的。根据以上分析,我个人认为,要想改变职高语文教学的现状应采取更有效的方法。 For a long time, the contents and methods of teaching in vocational high schools have followed all the common high school languages. Only in order to adapt to the low level of vocational high school students, they have to make efforts to reduce the knowledge content of teaching contents and reduce the requirements for teaching effectiveness testing Day, and check the standard is based on the amount of knowledge of how much to measure the pros and cons of students. In this way, our relocation can only lead to a worsening of students and a vicious circle in which teachers can not teach. At the same time, the real situation that some knowledge has no practical use for students exacerbates the students’ dislike of learning emotions. Of course, we do not say that scholars do not need to be aware of them. Scholars rely on them to identify these meals. It is a matter of scholars. Our children depend on living language and having oral communication with others to eat. Literacy to eat, rather than rely on language knowledge to eat. Based on the above analysis, I personally think that in order to change the status quo of higher vocational education should take a more effective way.
如何搞好历史教学,是值得思考的问题。教学思想、教学态度、教师素质在教学中都起着重要作用。教师要提高自身素质,才能教育好学生。 How to improve history teaching is a
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