The Bivalve Yangtzedonta is not the Brachiopod Xianfengella

来源 :Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kof8697
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The alleged “holotype” of the bivalve Yangtzedonta primitiva Yu, 1985 figured by Qian (2001) is a broken and distorted specimen of the brachiopod Xianfengella prima He and Yang, 1982 and not the holotype of Y. primitiva. Qian contends that the oldest recognized monoplacophoran, Maikhanella pristinis (Jiang, 1980), is neither a monoplacophoran nor the oldest molluscan fossil in the Meishucunian Stage of China. Furthermore, he considers that the oldest bivalve Xianfengoconcha elliptica Zhang, 1980 is an inarticulate brachiopod, not a mollusc. Watsonella yunnanensis (He and Yang, 1982), is associated with Yangtzedonta primitiva Yu but indicates no evolutionary relationship between the Classes Rostroconchia and Bivalvia in the Lower Cambrian Zhongyicun Member of the Yuhucun Formation. Qian’s confusion in using non-molluscan fossils to discuss the early evolution of shelled molluscs also confuses the basic concepts of the respective groups. The alleged “holotype” of the bivalve Yangtzedonta primitiva Yu, 1985 figured by Qian (2001) is a broken and distorted specimen of the brachiopod Xianfengella prima He and Yang, 1982 and not the holotype of Y. primitiva. Qian contends that the oldest recognized monoplacophoran, Maikhanella pristinis (Jiang, 1980), is neither a monoplacophoran nor the oldest molluscan fossil in the Meishucunian Stage of China. Furthermore, he considers that the oldest bivalve Xianfengoconcha elliptica Zhang, 1980 is an inarticulate brachiopod, not a mollusc. Watsonella yunnanensis (He and Yang, 1982), is associated with Yangtzedonta primitiva Yu but indicates no evolutionary relationship between the Classes Rostroconchia and Bivalvia in the Lower Cambrian Zhongyicun Member of the Yuhucun Formation. Qian’s confusion in using non-molluscan fossils to discuss the early evolution of shelled molluscs also confuses the basic concepts of the respective groups.
【摘要】护理工作由于经常会受到诸如心理、物理、化学等职业危害因素的影响,因此经常面临着受伤的风险。本文的主要目的在于提高教学中有关护士的防护教育,加强他们的认知能力,熟练掌握防护技巧。  【关键词】教学 护士 职业防护 教育  【中图分类号】G71【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2017)17-0206-02  1.现状  在一些诸如物理、化学、生理等危险性因素下进行工作时,护士
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摘 要  职业院校课程体系建设要紧紧围绕就业职业能力的提升,优化课程体系,提高教学质量是核心,教学质量的高低影响毕业生的就业竞争力。因此,贯通培养要把“以用为本”的人才理念贯穿于教学的各环节。本文针对职业教育贯通培养的现状进行研究分析, 提出建设性的建议,为职业院校提供借鉴。  【关键词】职业院校;贯通培养;培养模式  为全面贯彻落实党的教育方针,以立德树人和培育工匠精神为根本,坚持以服务经济社会
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患者女,30岁,因头晕,乏力,活动后心慌两月余入院.入院时查体呈轻度贫血貌,全身皮肤黏膜略苍白,浅表淋巴结无肿大,肝脾未触及,有胸骨压痛.血象检查:WBC 4.9×109/L,RBC 2.6×1012/L,HGB 96 g/L, PLT 125×109/L。
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