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记述了安徽淮南地区晚新生代洞穴、裂隙堆积中发现的鬣狗化行。材料系2003年至2006年间由本文作者之一(金昌柱)等在淮南市八公山区进行地层古生物调查时,于大居山老洞、西裂隙及大顶山裂隙的堆积物中采集到的。与鬣狗伴生的其他哺乳动物属种多样,并具有一定的地质断代意义。大居山老洞有Pliopentalagus huainanensis、Kowalskia sp.、Nan- nocricetus mongolicus等,西裂隙有Sericolagus sp.、Mimomys sp.、Equus sanmeniensis等,大顶山裂隙则有Lepus sp.、Ailuropoda sp.、Homotherium ultima等。所发现的鬣狗化石包括Adcrocuta extmta、Chasmaporthetes lunensis和Crocuta crocuta三种其中Crocuta crocuta至少包括三个个体;其他两种则只有一个个体。淮南的鬣狗种类跨越了晚中新世至晚更新世。Adcrocuta eximia为欧亚大陆晚中新世的特有种,为鬣狗科中朝食骨方向演化的类群;体型和前臼齿主尖与晚中新世较原始的属种(如Hyaenictitherium)相比,都有壮大的趋势。Chasmaporthetes地理分布最广,除欧亚大陆有多处化石记录外,还出现于北美洲的晚上新世至中更新世动物群中。修长的肢骨与尖利的颊齿表明了其擅长奔跑的能力和主动猎食的习性。该属在淮南的出现突出反映了一种相对开阔的古地理环境。Crocuta crocuta在大居山西裂隙与大顶山裂隙中都有发现。斑鬣狗分布于中国多处的中-晚更新世地点,包括台湾的澎湖列岛。在前臼齿的形态上,C.crocuta与Pachycrocuta相似,比A.eximia的宽大,具有更为进步的特征。这说明在早更新世晚期至中更新世早期,Crocuta极可能完全取代了Pachycrocuta。迄今在安徽Pachycrocuta仅发现于和县与繁昌的洞穴堆积中,由于目前确定高分辨率的洞、裂隙堆积物的地层年代较为困难,安徽的有关动物群足否记录了这个替代事件有待于进一步工作。淮南的鬣狗化石至少涉及了两个不同时期的动物群:一为Adcrocuta eximia所代表的晚中新世动物群,二为Crocuta所代表的晚上新世-更新世动物群。Chasma- porthetes lunensis的出现对于年代的确定并无太大帮助,但具有草原习性的Chasmaporthetes却为动物群的古生态环境分析和重建提供了一些证据。 Described in the Huainan area in Anhui Province Cenozoic caves, cracks found in the accumulation of hyenas line. Materials Department From 2003 to 2006, one of the authors of this article (Jinchang Zhu) et al. Collected stratigraphic paleontological surveys in the Bagongshan area of ​​Huainan, . Other mammals associated with hyena are generous and have certain geological significance. There are Pliopentalagus huainanensis, Kowalskia sp. And Nanococetus mongolicus in the Dazu mountain and Sericolagus sp., Mimomys sp. And Equus sanmeniensis in the western fissure, Lepus sp., Ailuropoda sp., Homotherium ultima Wait. The hyena fossils found include three species of Adcrocuta extmta, Chasmaporthetes lunensis and Crocuta crocuta. Among them, Crocuta crocuta contains at least three individuals; the other two have only one individual. Huainan hyena species across the late Miocene to late Pleistocene. Adcrocuta eximia, a late-Miocene endemic species in Eurasia, is a group evolved in the direction of the bovine and bones of the hyena family. Compared with the primitive genus Hyaenictitherium, Growing trend. Chasmaporthetes geographical distribution of the most widely, in addition to many fossil records in Eurasia, but also in North America from the Late Pleistocene to the Middle Pleistocene fauna. Slender bones and sharp cheek teeth show their ability to run and take the initiative to hunt habits. The emergence of this genus in Huainan highlights a relatively open paleogeographic environment. Crocuta crocuta found in both the large Shanxi fissure and the big Dacheng fissure. Spotted hyenas are found in various mid-late Pleistocene locations in China, including the Penghu Islands in Taiwan. In the morphology of the premolar teeth, C. crocuta is similar to Pachycrocuta and has more advanced features than A. eximia. This suggests that Crocuta most likely completely replaced Pachycrocuta from early Pleistocene to early Middle Pleistocene. So far, in Anhui Pachycrocuta only found in Yuhe County and Fanchang cave accumulation, due to the current determination of high-resolution cave and crevice accumulation of the formation of the age is more difficult, Anhui related fauna enough to record this alternative event to be further work . Huainan hyenas fossils involve at least two different periods of fauna: one is the late Pleistocene fauna represented by Adcrocuta eximia, and the second is the late Pliocene-Pleistocene fauna represented by Crocuta. The emergence of Chasma- porthetes lunensis is not very helpful in determining the age. However, Chasmaporthetes, which has the habitat of grassland, provides some evidences for the paleoecological environment analysis and reconstruction of fauna.
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