An Introduction to Translation Program of the University of Manchester

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  【Abstract】The author is honored to be invited to the center as an academic visitor from 2017-2018 and would like to share what I have observed at this university. This paper aims at introducing the translation program of the University of Manchester.
  【Key words】Translation Program; Compulsory course; Optional course
  In 2003, the Center for Translation and Intercultural studies (short as CTI) moved from University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST) to the University of Manchester as the two universities were combined into one, then the Translation Program was established in this university. The center has enjoyed an international reputation in the translation community especially its graduate education and research activities, attracting translation enthusiasts and researchers from all over the world. The world’s largest corpus centre (Translational English Corpus or TEC) is also at the center.
  Ι.Compulsory courses
  1.Translation and interpretation, taught by professor Mona Baker with 30 credits (1.5 credits in each semester). It mainly introduces the theories and research methods of oral and written translation since the 1960s, including linguistics and sociolinguistic approaches, cognitive and process-oriented approaches, etc. At the end of each semester, the students should submit a research paper of about 4000 words and of originality.
  2.Research methods in translation studies, taught by Dr. Maeve Olohan, aiming at introducing different approaches to translation studies to the students. It also deals with the textual aspects of translation theory, focusing on the selection of texts, the purpose of translation. As for the test, there are a 20-minute oral presentation (40%) and a paper proposal of 150 words and a criticism of a research method or translation (60%).
  3.Faculty Research Training Course, sponsored by graduate school, with 15 credits. This course mainly introduces the research facilities of the University of Manchester, the original research skills, writing skills and computer technology necessary for the research of humanities society. The examination consists of both computer training and oral presentation.
  II. Optional courses
  There are three optional courses to choose from. They are more practice-based or to some extent, practice and theory combination-oriented.
  1.Audiovisual Translation, taught by Dr. Peter Fawcett, 60 credits ( 30 credits each term). he will introduce the semiotics theory of film and television translation, the history and current development trend of film and television translation and so on. For the midterm exam, to translate a video is required. In the final exam, students are asked to translate two videos and provide the theoretical basis of translation in written form.   2.Technical and Commercial Translation. Taught by Dr. Maeve Olohan, 60 credits (30 credits per semester). In the first semester, she teaches two skills: information technology ability and editing ability. In the second semester, students will learn advanced applications of translation techniques, the exam consists of translation practice and translation review.
  3.Literary Translation, taught by Keith Harvey. In the first semester, He mainly explains some basic knowledge of literary translation, such as the categories and problems of literary translation, etc. In the second semester, he will explain the views of famous people on literary translation since the Renaissance. The final exam will include a literature translation and a paper of about 4000 words to discuss the significance or importance of translation.
  4.Intercultural pragmatics, taught by professor Mona Baker, 60 credits (30 credits per semester). The first semester mainly focuses on the main traditional theories in social pragmatics, sociolinguistics, etc. The second semester mainly helps student to find appropriate research directions in cross-cultural pragmatics and guide the research process. The final exam will be a paper of about 4000 words, too.
  [1]Baker , Mona , “ Corpus-based Translation Studies ” (Lecture Handout), The University of Manchester, 2004.
  [2]Baker, Mona. “The Translational English Corpus (TE C )” , http: l//www. monabaker. com/tsresourses / TranslationalEnglishCorpus
【摘要】随着我国社会经济的发展,国家越来越重视教育的发展。“十年树木,百年树人”,中职教育是我国教育的重要组成部分。语言是人际有效沟通的重要载体,良好的语言沟通能力是综合职业技能的重要组成部分。在这个高速发展的时代,市场对中职生的口语要求也越来越高。但相对薄弱的英语基础,使中职生在英语学习方面十分吃力,英语口语表达更是一个难过的门槛儿。所以,探索一个有效的口语教学方法迫在眉睫。  【关键词】任务型
【摘要】在小学英语教学的工作中,教师应重视课堂教育中“四重四轻”的问题,以此规避重视结果轻视过程、重视形式轻视内容、重视解释疑问轻视感悟、重视语言轻视人文的相关问题,以此改革传统的教学方式,提升整体的教育工作水平,达到预期的工作目标。  【关键词】小学英语;课堂教学;“四重四轻”措施  【作者简介】陈琦,江苏省苏州工业园区星汇学校。  在小学英语教学工作中教师应遵循科学化的原则,编制出相应的计划内
【摘要】本研究尝试打破传统英语教学模式,选择适合初中生认知水平和符合初中英语课程标准的音乐素材,采用音乐教学法对初中三所试点学校进行英语教学。通过一年多的实践,总结出有效的应用策略,提高了初中生英语的听说等技能,增强了初中生对说英语国家文化的理解,培养了跨文化交流的意识,提高了初中生的思维品质,促进了初中生英语核心素养的发展。  【关键词】音乐教学法;实施策略;核心素养  【作者简介】金玉嘉,河北
【摘要】如今,初中教育教学理念的变化影响了多门学科的教学模式,在初中英语课程教学中,教育评价发生了十分显著的变化。为不断提高英语教学的综合水平,教师需对新课程理念进行深入分析,加以明确初中英语教育评基本模式,以此完善学生的英语素养。  【关键词】新课程理念;初中英语;教育评价  【作者简介】张金凤(1991.10-),女,汉族,江苏宿迁人,江苏省宿迁市钟吾国际学校 。  一、确定评价的主要功能  
【摘要】《沃克兄弟的放牛娃》(Walker Brothers Cowboy)是《快乐影子之舞》(Dance of the Happy Shades)里的开篇之作,门罗(Munro)在这篇小说里描述了加拿大经济危机及战争期间一个平凡家庭的日常生活,探究了小说中的三个主要人物。本文通过对小说中主要人物的详细解读,读者在其中发现了平凡世界的迷人之处和魅力所在。  【关键词】《沃克兄弟的放牛娃》;经济危机
【摘要】随着素质教育理念的深入,职业院校越来越受到社会的关注和重视,高职院校十分注重学生的全面发展。英语是人们在社会交流、沟通中必不可少的一门语言,为了提升学生的英语技能,高职院校应该重视英语教学,重视英语教学职业化,提升学生的职业化水平,让英語成为高职学生的一项职业技能,促进高职学生在社会上实现更好的发展。  【关键词】高职;英语教学;职业化;对策  【作者简介】武娟(1986-),女,安徽淮北
【摘要】随着互联网和数字技术的飞速发展,混合式教学的发展势不可挡,混合式教学的设计是开展混合式教学的关键。本文根据建构主义学习理论和联通主义学习理论,讨论了混合式教学的设计策略,并对大学英语混合式教学设计予以实践和思考。  【关键词】大学英语;混合式教学;设计策略;设计实践  【作者简介】李杨(1982-),女,汉族,辽宁铁岭人,沈阳师范大学大学外语教学部,讲师,硕士,研究方向:英语教学、二语习得
【摘要】很多工作岗位对求职者的英语水平要求越来越高,目前高职院校在英语口语的实际教学中,仍然存在很多不足。本文笔者基于SPOC这种新的教学模式,针对存在的主要问题,提出高职英语口语智慧课堂的创建路径,为高职英语教学改革提供一些建议。  【关键词】SPOC;高职英语;口语教学;智慧课堂  【作者简介】程诚,山东外贸职业学院。  在高职院校“工学结合”的办学理念下,实用技能的培养是重中之重。随着经济一