Drawing Recognition for Automatic Dimensioning of Shear-Walls

来源 :Tsinghua Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:toforworld
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In computer-aided structural design, the drawing of shear-walls cannot be easily automated; however, dimensioning of the shear-walls provides a method to automate the drawing. This paper presents a drawing recognition method for automatic dimensioning of shear-walls. The regional relationship method includes a graphic shape template library that can learn new shear-wall shapes. The automatic dimensioning of shear-walls is then realized by matching the templates. The regional relationship method for graph recognition effectively describes the topological relationships for graphs to significantly increase the recognition efficiency. The paper presents a drawing recognition method for automatic dimensioning of shear-walls. The regional relationship method includes a graphic shape template library that can learn new shear-wall shapes. The automatic dimensioning of shear-walls is then realized by matching the templates. The regional relationship method for graph recognition effectively describes the topological relationships for graphs to dramatically increase the recognition efficiency.
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国家建筑标准设计图集《钢天窗架》(97G5 1 2 )已由建设部批准执行 ,代替原图集G5 1 2及其抗补。现就编制内容做一些简单介绍 ,以便于设计、施工人员正确、合理、有效地使用
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儒家从人与自然的和谐、人与人的和睦、人内心的平和等方面探究先秦儒学的和谐思想及其当代意义,对我国当前“推进社会主义和谐社会建设”提供有意义的理论价值参考。 Confu