
来源 :中国卫生质量管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mingtian2060
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由业务副院长、医务部主任、医疗质量管理科科长、药剂科、药理科、感染办、器材科等有关人员和相应的院专家组专家组成查房小组,每月进行医疗质量查房,内容一是查规章制度落实情况,二是查病历外在书写质量,三是通过查病历与查病人相结合看诊疗措施是否完善,四是查科间会诊,五是遇有疑难、危重病人时组织进行专题检查讨论,六是查医技科室的关键性技术和操作的掌握情况。通过质量查房,可以强化质量第一意识,促进规章制度贯彻落实,不断提高医疗质量,促进医院全面建设。 The team of the vice president of the business, the director of the medical department, the chief of the medical quality management department, the pharmacy department, the pharmacology department, the infection office, the equipment department, and the experts of the corresponding expert group form a rounds group to conduct monthly medical quality inspections. One is to check the implementation of the rules and regulations; the second is to check the quality of writing outside the medical records; the third is to find out whether the diagnosis and treatment measures are improved by combining the medical records and the investigation of patients; the fourth is the consultation between the examination teams; the fifth is the case of difficult and critical patients. At the time of thematic inspection and discussion, the sixth was the mastery of the key technologies and operations of the medical technology department. Through quality inspections, quality first consciousness can be strengthened, rules and regulations can be implemented, quality of medical care can be continuously improved, and hospital construction can be promoted.
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不是每两个男女相遇了都能成为伴侣;不是每一对伴侣都能白头偕老。 职业生涯也是如此。“跳槽”在八十年代中后期还是一个热点词,但很快就变得不新鲜了。当“分手”与“跳槽
为适应我国行政 (公共 )管理学科迅速发展、学术研究不断深人的大好形势 ,更好地反映我国行政管理学理论的繁荣和发展需求 ,《中国行政管理》在近几年集中编辑“学术论坛 (专
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