
来源 :今日浙江 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hanyunba
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由《求是》杂志社政治编辑部、《今日浙江》杂志社和中共杭州市下城区委联合举办的“学习贯彻十六届五中全会精神,为落实‘十一五’规划提供政治保证研讨会”,于10月15日在杭州举行。省委副书记夏宝龙,省委常委、宣传部长陈敏尔,《求是》杂志副总编张晓林出席研讨会。中央党校教授、知名党建理论家叶笃初,中国法学会副会长兼秘书长宋树涛,以及来自省直机关部门、市县、高校院所的负责人和专家学者共60余人参加了研讨会。会议由省委副秘书长、省委办公厅主任孙文友主持。与会人员深入学习党的十六届五中全会精神,交流介绍各自学习体会,着重就如何为落实“十一五”规划建议中提出的目标任务提供政治保证问题,进入了深入的研讨,提出了许多真知灼见。现将与会人员的发言刊登,以飨读者。 The study and implementation of the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee and political guarantee for the implementation of the 11th Five-Year Plan were jointly organized by the political editorial department of Qiushi Magazine, Zhejiang Today magazine and the Lower City Committee of Hangzhou under the CPC. Will be “held on October 15 in Hangzhou. Xiabao Long, deputy secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chen Miner, member of the Provincial Party Committee and Propaganda Department, and Zhang Xiaolin, deputy editor of the magazine Qiushi, attended the seminar. More than 60 professors and experts and scholars from provincial departments, cities and counties, colleges and institutes participated in the seminar. They were professors of the Central Party School, well-known party-building theorists, Ye Tuk-chu, vice president and secretary general of the Law Society of China, Song Shutao. The meeting was presided over by Sun Wenyou, deputy secretary general of the provincial party committee and director of the provincial party committee general office. Participants in-depth study of the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee, exchange and introduce their own learning experience, focusing on how to implement the ”Eleventh Five-Year Plan" proposed goals and tasks to provide political guarantee issues, entered a thorough discussion, put forward Many insights. Presentations of participants are now posted to readers.
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