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提起中国的传统快餐业,人们自然会想起天津的“狗不理”。这个荣获“天津三绝之首”的百年中华老字号,早已闻名全国,享誉海外。1998年,她在国内外的连锁店就达89家,营业额3000多万元。“狗不理”冲向亚洲、走向世界的梦想正在变为现实。 Mentioning China’s traditional fast-food industry, people will naturally think of Tianjin “dog ignored ”. This century-old China, which won the title of “The First of Tianjin Three Musts,” has long been known throughout the country and is well known overseas. In 1998, she has 89 domestic and foreign chain stores with a turnover of over 30 million yuan. “Dogs ignore ” rushed to Asia, the dream of going to the world is becoming a reality.
据报道,1999年国庆期间,上海旅游购物人数日均达到680万人次,比上年同期增长150%,商场营业额平均增长近五成;杭州西湖风景区于10月1日至7日共接待中外游客135万人次,游 It i
Galvanic deposition method was used to prepare the Pd/Ni-Al2O3-GD catalyst for the combustion of methane under lean conditions. The new catalyst and compared ca
The catalytic activity of nanostructured low percent (1%) Co-Ni catalysts on the basis of glass fiber (GF) prepared by a“solution combustion” (SC) method was
4月2日 ,春雨知时 ,碧空如洗。中华傣族园内枝叶光亮嫩绿 ,清新的空气里飘荡着阵阵花香 ,远方竹楼深处不时传来芒锣鼓声 ,一路的椰子树、凤尾竹纷纷展开双臂 ,等待着远方的贵宾
6月28日,《红土地革命文物展》开展仪式在省革命历史纪念馆隆重举行。 这里展出的是闽籍和在闽工作过的老同志的文物。福建这块红色的土地,养育了无数英勇奋斗的共产党人,他
A new method for the formation of electroactive polyaniline(PANI) biocatalyzed by hemoglobin coupled with glucose oxidase in neutral medium on the polystyrene n
急性有机磷农药中毒 (AOPP)是基层医院常见急症 ,死亡率高。温习我院 1993~ 1998年抢救 AOPP2 0 5例资料及有关文献 ,现将对本病的治疗体会报道如下。1 临床资料  本组 2 0
喀什 ,这颗镶嵌在丝绸古道上的明珠 ,她以独具特色的民族风情、雄奇壮丽的自然风光、古老丰富的历史文化吸引着无数中外游人。如古墓、古城、古堡、世界屋脊上的冰峰、冰川、