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   Birds are singing round my window,
   Tunes the sweetest ever heard,
   And I hang my cage there daily,
   But I never catch a bird.
   So with thoughts my brain is peopled,
   And they sing there all day long:
   But they will not fold their pinions
   In the little cage of Song!
工作上有新項目要完成,先在朋友圈发一下,看看反馈。遇到困难需要解决办法,在朋友圈发帖求助,没准儿一会儿就有能帮忙的人出现。需要帮助的时候,人们越来越倾向于找通过电脑彼此连接的人帮忙。这就是朋友圈里的人脉关系,那么这种人脉关系跟传统意义上的向自己朋友咨询意见的方式和作用有什么不同,我们来听听Gordon怎么说。   Melanie: Hey, Gordon. ①Could I pick your
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If you pay attention to the recent world news, you might have heard about gun violence in the U.S.. The continuing shootings in Missouri, in New York City and elsewhere in the country have sparked pub
能力的前面有一扇门,要想步入这个繁花似锦的境地,必须有一把能打开这扇门的钥匙。  古往今来,无数成功者的足迹都在印证着这一条亘古不变的真理。  张衡是成功的。他凭他的一份喜欢,在汉代天文历法术数方面做出了超人的成绩,制造了世界上第一台地震仪——候风地动仪,编写了世界上第一部天文历法文献——《灵宪》,研制出世界上第一代天球仪——浑天仪。可以说,是喜欢成就了张衡的贡献,奠定了他在中国乃至世界天文史上的
This is possibly the most fantastic, yet incredibly bizarre news Sherlockians could possibly have hoped for as reports have emerged that an actual Sherlock Holmes theme park is in the works with fans
Some 8,000 years ago, Chinese ancestors living in today’s north China started to make earrings and necklaces out of a kind of stone in colors of light green or creamy white. The stone has been attache
This is a story about a drop of blood. Not just some ordinary drop of blood. No, but a very special drop of blood.  Her journey begins when Tyler decides he’s going to donate. Our little blood drop an
It was sunny and the trees had just started to sprout leaves the day I quit my job to travel. As a contract administrator for a shipping company, I’d spent 2012 working in a windowless office in Washi
“能见常人之不见,在他人习焉不察的事物中发掘笑料。”这是陆谷孙教授对幽默的理解。超越了常人思维,却又能够让人们笑出来,这是一种智慧。相信,没有人会拒绝幽默来敲门。  站在思想的高度上,看任何问题都会很简单。而且,简单的背后,往往表现出幽默的智慧。智者,永远会表现出生命的智慧。  人的一生会遇到很多烦恼,这时,可以用自嘲的方式对内容进行调整,从而体现幽默的智慧。不要把自己置于愁苦之中,要学会让自己轻
The sense of coolness on my skin shocked me fully awake. My body floated in an amazing space. I was weightless. Nothing bound me down, not even gravity. For once in my life, I felt free. Stars were ev