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目的:采用CBCT影像测量安氏I类错患儿上颌前牙唇倾度及前牙唇腭侧齿槽骨的厚度,探讨上颌切牙与其支持骨的空间位置关系。方法:选取深圳市儿童医院口腔正畸科2010.1~2012.1年间就诊的正畸患儿25名,年龄11~14岁,平均12.5岁,男9例,女16例。Angle I类轻度错畸形。上前牙排列良好,无严重拥挤。所有病例均拍摄CBCT影像,在重建后的图像下进行定量测量。测定上切牙唇腭向的倾斜度,上切牙不同层面唇腭侧齿槽骨的厚度,上切牙根尖上方唇侧齿槽骨的曲度以及上切牙根尖距唇侧齿槽骨最凹点的距离。测量得到的数据采用SPSS13.0软件进行统计分析。结果:釉牙骨质界下2 mm唇侧骨板的厚度:中切牙(0.96±0.32)mm,侧切牙(0.78±0.32)mm。釉牙骨质界下2 mm腭侧骨板的厚度:中切牙(1.53±0.40)mm,侧切牙(1.12±0.48)mm。中切牙与腭平面的角度为114.59°±5.25°,侧切牙与腭平面的角度为111.75°±5.98°。切牙根尖上方唇侧齿槽骨的曲度:中切牙145.70°±11.09°,侧切牙156.92°±8.33°。切牙根尖距其上方唇侧齿槽骨最凹点的距离:中切牙(2.88±1.49)mm,侧切牙(2.69±0.99)mm。结论:上颌中切牙较侧切牙更加唇倾,切牙唇侧骨板均较薄,腭侧骨板相对较厚。切牙根尖位置更接近齿槽骨的唇侧。 OBJECTIVE: To investigate the lip inclination of the maxillary anterior lip and the thickness of the alveolar bone of the anterior lip in children with Angle Class I malocclusion by CBCT, and investigate the spatial relationship between the maxillary incisor and its supporting bone. Methods: Totally 25 orthodontic children aged 11-14 years (average 12.5 years old) were enrolled in orthodontics department of Shenzhen Children’s Hospital from January 2010 to January 2012. There were 9 males and 16 females. Angle Class I Mild malformations. Upper teeth arranged well, no serious congestion. CBCT images were taken in all cases and quantitatively measured under the reconstructed images. The inclination of upper lip and cleft palate, the thickness of lip and palate alveolar bone at different levels of upper incisors, the curvature of labial alveolar bone above the apical incisors, Pit distance. Measured data using SPSS13.0 software for statistical analysis. Results: The thickness of 2 mm labial plate under the enamel of cementum was: (0.96 ± 0.32) mm, lateral incisor (0.78 ± 0.32) mm. The thickness of the 2 mm palatal bone in the enamel of the enamel was 1.53 ± 0.40 mm and the lateral incisor was 1.12 ± 0.48 mm. The angle of the incisors to the palatal plane is 114.59 ° ± 5.25 ° and the angle of the incisor to the palatal plane is 111.75 ° ± 5.98 °. Curvature of the labial alveolar bone above the apical incisors: 145.70 ° ± 11.09 ° incisors and 156.92 ° ± 8.33 ° lateral incisors. The distance between the apical incisors and the most concave point of the labial alveolar bone above the incisors: 2.88 ± 1.49 mm in the incisors and 2.69 ± 0.99 mm in the lateral incisors. CONCLUSION: The maxillary central incisor is more lip-tipped than the lateral incisor, and the incisor labial plate is thinner and the palatal plate relatively thicker. The apical incisor position is closer to the labial side of the alveolar bone.
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