Practice and experience of engineering culture development in the Sutong Bridge project

来源 :Engineering Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:racerdan
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To keep up with the time,culture is integrated to large-scale construction project management in China,which will absolutely add more vitality into construction project management in our country.Engineering culture is an integration of project construction and engineering culture.However,engineering culture development enjoys its own particularity as a project is constructed once only within a limited period of time.This paper gives affirmative opinion that engineering culture development in large-scale projects backs project management on the basis of thorough investigation of engineering culture development in Sutong Bridge Project and after deepened analysis,proposes new thinking pattern of engineering culture development in large-scale projects in a systematic manner,including thorough understanding of the essence of engineering culture,principle and contents of engineering culture development as well as efficient method in respect of establishment and implementation of engineering culture,and therefore provides a standard reference and systematic thinking pattern for engineering culture development in future large-scale projects. To keep up with the time, culture is integrated to large-scale construction project management in China, which will absolutely add more vitality into construction project management in our country.Engineering culture is an integration of project construction and engineering culture .However, engineering culture development enjoys its own particularity as a project is constructed once only within a limited period of time. This paper gives affirmative opinion that engineering culture development in large-scale projects backs project management on the basis of thorough investigation of engineering culture development in Sutong Bridge Project and after deepened analysis, proposes new thinking pattern of engineering culture development in large-scale projects in a systematic manner, including thorough understanding of the essence of engineering culture, principle and contents of engineering culture development as well as efficient method in respect of establishment and implementation of engineering culture, and therefore provides a standard reference and systematic thinking pattern for engineering culture development in future large-scale projects.
镁是人体必须的微量元素,在人体新陈代谢中起着举足轻重的作用,自1859年人们发现机体存在镁起,经过一百多年的努力,人们终于揭开了镁的神秘面纱。 Magnesium is a necessary
文中介绍了工艺条件(工件速度、磨削深度、磨削液)和砂轮修整导程及修整深度对磨削波纹影响的试验结果。 In this paper, the experimental results on the influence of pr