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新的课程标准从教育理念到课程设置、课程资源开发、教学方法以及评价体系等都发生了重大变化,提出了许多新的要求,传统的教育教学能力已完全不能适应新课程要求。新课程对小学语文教师和在校教育专业类学生提出了具备情境教学创设能力的要求,而要具备情境教学创设能力,需要学习情境教学有关理念,观摩小学语文教学情境创设优秀案例,加强情境教学创设的运用与实践,努力为学生创设有效的课堂教学情境,让课堂焕发真正的生命活力。 The new curriculum standards have undergone major changes from the educational philosophy to the curriculum, the development of the curriculum resources, the teaching methods and the evaluation system. Many new requirements have been put forward. The traditional education and teaching ability can not meet the requirements of the new curriculum at all. The new curriculum for primary school language teachers and school education students have the ability to create situational teaching requirements, but to have the ability to create situational teaching, the need to learn the concept of situational teaching to observe the case of primary school language teaching to create outstanding cases and strengthen situational teaching The creation and use of practice, and strive to create effective classroom teaching situations for students, so that the classroom glow real life vitality.
In 2010 the sulfuric acid market presented a relatively stable performance,with the price level stronger than that of the same period last year. China’s sulfur
这是一场生与死的较量,这是一次血与火的考验,这是一幕感人肺腑的壮歌,这是一个讲述消防队员赴汤蹈火的故事。 2002年1月20日晚,宁夏回族自治区银川新城区新业歌舞厅突然着火
中国社会的根本问题是农民和农村问题。这早已成为中国社会的共识。毛泽东曾敏锐地指出 ,中国的革命实质是农民革命 ,农民问题是中国革命的基本问题 ,农民力量是中国革命的主
七里河区位于甘肃省兰州市中 南部,是一个典型的城郊型区域经济 区,也是消防执法比较薄弱的地区。 2000年,全区发生火灾111起,经济 损失87万余元,其中发生在非消防 安全重点
The mean instantaneous runoff rate over a mesoscale region is considered to be the residue between the areal mean precipitation and the amount of water infiltra