Han Geng Feels Pressure in Working Alone等3则

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  Han Geng Feels Pressure in Working Alone
  Han Geng,a former member of Super Junior,expressed his confidence in winning the lawsuit between him and his South Korean agency since he decided to cancel their contract. As he has not found a new boss,he can only depend on his friends for help in his career.
  According to Han Geng’s lawyer,similar lawsuits had occurred in South Korean entertainment circle before. They were settled within three months at most. But since Han Geng demanded to terminate his contract last December,six months has passed without any conclusion. The lawyer pointed out directly that it was SM that tried to postpone the result of the lawsuit deliberately. Nevertheless,Han Geng’s artistic career has not been affected greatly. His lawyer stressed that it was lawful for him to release albums and to hold concerts.
  It is said that the term of the contract between Han Geng and SM is 13 years,which refers only to the working time. If he fails to work due to health or training,the contract will be extended. And if he transfers to another company,he will have to pay three times the amount of cost for training sponsored by SM and twice the amount of resultant loss. It is rumored that,to cancel his contract,Han Geng will have to pay about 2 billion South Korean dollars,or 11.47 million RMB. In order to pay out this debt,recently he has taken part in activities frequently and has demanded a high reward sometimes. But Han himself has reiterated that he has not heard of such a penalty for breach of contracts and said only that he should not pay any indemnity.
  Han admits that he feels pressure when thinking of having to work alone in the future. As a good dancer,he says smilingly that he has been practising his singing skills this year,hoping to present himself before the public in a better way in the future.
  自从和韩国经纪公司闹解约后,前Super Junior成员韩庚表示坚信会赢得官司。由于目前还没有新东家,他的演艺发展全靠朋友帮忙。
  Sa Dingding Became an International Superstar
  with a Unique Style
  More than two years ago,Sa Dingding won the BBC Radio 3 World Music Award with her first album Alive,thus making her well-known all over the world. In May this year,she returned to Britain and held her solo concert in Union Chapel,a legendary church built in 1799. Her concert became one of the great events of London in May and a symbol of acknowledgement of her status as an international superstar by the mainstream music world of Britain.
  Sa Dingding has fascinated her English fans with her natural voice and enthusiastic performance. During the concert,the audience waved their hands all along,immersing themselves in her music. The celebrities from British music world and media spoke highly of her concert,calling her a legend from China.
  After releasing her second album Harmony,Sa Dingding has begun her singing tour throughout the world. So far,she has chosen 20 countries and regions,including Britain,Germany,Spain,Switzerland,US,Canada,Singapore,Malaysia,and South Korea. Without doubt,this tour will be a great music event of the year in the world.
  两年多前,女歌手萨顶顶凭借首张专辑《万物生》获得英国BBC 3台世界音乐大奖,从而享誉全球。今年5月,萨顶顶重返英国,在1799年兴建的传奇性教堂Union Chapel进行了专场演出,成为伦敦5月的音乐盛事之一。萨顶顶能在这里进行专场表演,也代表了英国主流音乐界对其国际巨星地位的认可。
  Selina’s Boyfriend Showed
  his Affections in a Concert
  For stars,romance is not always an easy thing. According to Taiwan media,Zhang Chengzhong,Selina’s boyfriend and a lawyer,declared his love for her at the end of a concert held by S.H.E,thus making public their relationship which had lasted for almost three years. Selina was moved to tears on the stage. At the celebration dinner,she said excitedly,“It is nine years since I became a singer,but I have never been so excited. I hope that I can become used to such a change in my life.” It is said that her father has also been putting pressure on her,saying “You are almost 29 years old. It’s time for you to get married.”
  In 2007,Selina got to know Zhang Chengzhong through her mother’s introduction. Zhang’s mother is also a teacher and a colleague of Selina’s mother. Three years ago,Selina and Zhang appeared in a party together,making public their three-month-long secret romance. When journalists asked him for confirmation,he replied nervously,“You must be mistaken. There is not such a thing!”As a person who likes to keep a low profile,Zhang once discontinued his relationship with Selina. This story became the subject of the song entitled Become Quiet in her last album.
  Selina’s father urges his daughter to get married,while her mother hopes that she can continue her music career. About this,her father says,“These two things are not in conflict. Instead,they can co-exist.”Selina’s boyfriend is also worried about the influence of the revelation of their relationship upon her career. In his announcement,he emphasized that “I hope S.H.E. will not change because of me.”The positive response of the fans showed that they loved both her and her boyfriend,and that there was indeed no conflict. Interestingly,the sudden announcement aroused the enthusiasm of the fans,and the organizer was fined 100,000 Taiwan dollars for the overtime of the concert.
  (编辑 陈根花)
2005年7月18日,一场意外的变故打破了我们生活的宁静。这一天,一向闲不住的公公和婆婆不顾天气的炎热,去补墙头上的一个豁口。快完工的时候,砖墙忽然倒塌,将婆婆双腿砸成粉碎性骨折。  经过二十多天休养,婆婆的腿基本痊愈了。没想到,出院后,婆婆的意识出现了严重问题。一家人在她眼里变得“面目全非”——她的儿子变成了娘家的侄子,我这个儿媳妇变成了她老家对门的邻居“小燕妈”,孙子变成了旁人,女儿们变成了她
2009荷兰园艺博览会颁发创新大奖  丁小明    2009年10月13日~16日,2009荷兰园艺博览会在荷兰首都阿姆斯特丹的RAI展览中心举行。  展览会第一天,园艺博览会组委会将分量最重的博览会创新大奖授予HORTloulP公司和FLORIST DE KWAKEL公司,以表彰他们分别研发的新产品——盆花木条插入机和多年生非洲菊新品种。今年的创新大奖按照温室园艺工程技术、温室园艺种植和贸易两个
没有哪个母亲想故意害孩子,都是想给更好的——更好的衣食住行、更好的教育环境、更好的眼界见识。但是,孩子对有些滋养却很反感,甚至抵触。一些破坏性滋养从源头改变,还来得及。  抛弃那些  自以为是的“应该”  一天,我让儿子帮我看看电脑出了什么问题。他说:“你要预约!我现在要去给一位要好的同学选电脑。”我气得脸都红了,对他抱怨:“你不给你妈检查电脑,反而去帮别人,是什么意思呢?妈妈就不配让儿子帮着看看
【摘要】计算机应用专业是中职学校普遍存在的专业,本文在分析计算机应用专业的人才培养、学生综合能力和企业需求的基础上,结合计算机应用的专业特点和企业对人才的实际需求,探讨基于CDIO理念的计算机应用专业课程体系的构建。  【关键词】CDIO;计算机应用;课程体系  一、CDIO简介  CDIO是一种强调以学生为主体、注重提高学生能力的教学模式,是近年来国际工程教育的最新成果。CDIO 包括了构思(C
六旬老者刘国庭乘坐公交车,发现小偷欲对孕妇行窃,便多次提醒,终使孕妇警觉。小偷迁怒于他,其同伙临下车前击打他的面部后逃之夭夭。刘国庭不幸落下了残疾,便将公交公司告上法庭。那么,公交车上仗义出手阻止小偷遭报复,受伤致残的英雄流血能否不流泪?  阻止小偷,仗义出手遭报复  66岁的刘国庭是江苏省淮安市人,平时就乐于助人。2012年1月6日上午11时许,刘国庭在淮安市区乘坐69路公交车回家。与刘国庭紧邻
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学校:风景如画  “透过山峦晨雾/呼吸海的芬芳/行吟湖畔溪语/细数林间霞光。”这首在北师大珠海分校流传甚广的小诗,如一幅淡雅的水墨画,像一支柔柔绵绵的小夜曲,打动着无数在校学子的心,也勾起了高中学子对北京师范大学珠海分校的向往。  北师大珠海分校是由北京师范大学和珠海市人民政府合作举办、进行本科层次教育的全日制普通高等学校。它创建于2001年,校史虽短,但在百年名校北师大深厚底蕴的熏陶下,凭借其办