Quasi-Dammann grating with proportional intensity of array spots for surface hardening of metal

来源 :Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a381697182
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For surface hardening of metal,a quasi-Dammann grating (QDG) is proposed and fabricated to generate array spots with proportional-intensity distribution.To get uniformly hardened band distribution and improve the wear resistance of the sample surface,a three-order QDG is designed to produce array spots with enhanced intensity in the edge.The design and fabrication of the QDG are described in detail.The surface profile of the fabricated grating was measured,which shows that the fabrication error is less than 2%.The laser beam intensity distribution shaped by the QDG was tested by a laser beam analyzer to verify the validity of the QDG.The application of the QDG in the laser surface hardening of metal was experimentally investigated,and the results show that the hardness distribution of the modified layer and the wear resistance of the sample surface are improved significantly by using the QDG. For surface hardening of metal, a quasi-Dammann grating (QDG) is proposed and fabricated to generate array spots with proportional-intensity distribution. To get uniformly hardened band distribution and improve the wear resistance of the sample surface, a three-order QDG is designed to produce array spots with enhanced intensity in the edge. design and fabrication of the QDG are described in detail. The surface profile of the fabricated grating was measured, which shows that the fabrication error is less than 2%. distribution shaped by the QDG was tested by a laser beam analyzer to verify the validity of the QDG. the application of the QDG in the laser surface hardening of metal was experimentally investigated, and the results show that the hardness distribution of the modified layer and the wear resistance of the sample surface are improved significantly by using the QDG.
英国曾经出现过这样一位奇葩少年,十五岁之前一直钟情于画画,总是兴冲冲地把自己的作品拿给外婆看,外婆每次都对他说:“哦,干得不错啊!”不幸的是,家长充满怜爱的赞赏并没有满足他的虚荣心,相反的,他竟为此而怀疑人生——为什么外婆总是说“好”?她是不是在敷衍我?或者根本就是把我当个需要随时有人哄的傻子?  于是,某一天,少年来到外婆跟前,背过身去,脱下裤子,将光溜溜的屁股高高抬起,说:“外婆,看这个。” 
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