Assistant pullback technique for main span closure of Sutong Bridge

来源 :Engineering Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:long200466
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Sutong Bridge is a cable-stayed steel box girder bridge with a main span of 1 088 m.The erection of upper structure adopts geometry control method and requires no change to the unit’s size and the structure’s none-stress geometry.Before main span closure,the cantilever of girder reaches 540.8 m,the structure state is noticeably influenced by external circumstances,the main span closure face great difficulty.By abstracting the advantage of the pullback method abroad and the domestic temperature-cutting method,a new assistant pullback method have put forward and bring into practice actually.In this paper,the analysis key point of practice conditions,key parameter of practice,main measures of the method and the performance is introduced. Sutong Bridge is a cable-stayed steel box girder bridge with a main span of 1 088 m. The erection of upper structure adopts geometry control method and requires no change to the unit’s size and the structure’s none-stress geometry. the cantilever of girder reaches 540.8 m, the structure state is noticeably influenced by external circumstances, the main span closure face great difficulty. By abstracting the advantage of the pullback method abroad and the domestic temperature-cutting method, a new assistant pullback method have put forward and bring into practice actually. In this paper, the analysis key point of practice conditions, key parameter of practice, main measures of the method and the performance is introduced.
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