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在当代建筑中,大体积混凝土施工随处可见,其质量直接关系到建筑物的结构安全与使用寿命,可是在建筑施工过程中大体积混凝土的质量状况一直不容乐观,下面本人通过多年的施工经验结合相应理论,从分析大体积混凝土裂缝产生的原因及预防大体积混凝土裂缝的综合措施方面提出几点建议。1.大体积混凝土产生裂缝的原因大体积混凝土与普通混凝土相比,具有结构厚、体形大、混凝土数量多、工程条件复杂和施工技术要求高等特点。这类混凝土结构,由外荷载引起裂缝的可能性较小。但由于水泥水化过程中释放的水化热引起的温度变化和混凝土收缩而产生的温度应力和收缩应力,是其产生 In contemporary buildings, mass concrete construction can be seen everywhere. Its quality is directly related to the structural safety and service life of buildings. However, the quality of mass concrete in the construction process has not been optimistic. I have combined many years of experience in construction. Corresponding theory, several suggestions are made from the analysis of the causes of cracks in mass concrete and the comprehensive measures to prevent cracks in mass concrete. 1. Causes of cracks in mass concrete The mass concrete has the characteristics of a thicker structure, a larger body, a greater number of concrete, complex engineering conditions, and higher construction technology requirements than ordinary concrete. This kind of concrete structure is less likely to cause cracks due to external loads. However, due to the temperature change caused by the heat of hydration released during cement hydration and the temperature stress and shrinkage stress caused by shrinkage of the concrete, it is produced.
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白族人历来把建房当作奠百代基、立千年业的一件大事,在选材料、选工匠上都十分讲究,要求极高。    奠基架马     白族人家建房从古以来大多采用土木结构,竖房前要先请风水先生看地脉、定房向,选择黄道吉日破土动工。   动土时房主人摆上牲礼祭品祭天地,在一平滑的石头上写上“泰山石敢当”五个大字,定于基槽正中称为“奠基”,然后跪拜谢四方,选用两块木牌写上“李广将军”、“甲马将军”,插在宅基地四周,
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本文简要介绍了地下商业街防排烟设计的重要性、火灾特点,目前地下商业街的防烟,排烟的方式及其选择。 This article briefly introduced the importance of the design of