
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(心脏病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:akiheeca
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Background-The genes responsible for obesity are candidate genes for obesity-related diseases, such as hypertension. Functional polymorphisms in the β2-and β3-adrener-gic receptors have been reported to be associated with hypertension and obesity. Methods and Results-To longitudinally clarify the relevance to alterations in β-adrenergic receptor polymorphisms related to weight gain, blood pressure(BP) elevation, and sympathetic nerve activity as measured by plasma norepinephrine level, we studied 160 young, nonobese, normotensive men. Changes in body weight, BP, plasma norepinephrine levels, and β2-adrenergic(Arg16Gly, Gln27Glu) and β3-adrenergic(Trp64Arg) receptor polymorphisms were measured periodically over a 5-year period. Weight gain and BP elevation were defined as ≥10%increases from entry levels over 5 years in body mass index or mean BP. The presence of the Gly16 allele of Arg16Gly was associated with a higher frequency of weight gain and BP elevation over the 5-year period. The subjects carrying the Glu27 allele of Gln27Glu and the Trp64 allele of Trp64Arg had a higher frequency of BP elevation. Significantly higher levels of plasma norepinephrine at entry and at year 5 were observed in the subjects with the Gly16 allele of Arg16Gly and the Glu27 allele of Gln27Glu compared with those without the Gly16 or the Glu27 alleles. Conclusions-These results demonstrate that the Gly16 allele is related to greater weight gain and BP elevation. Additionally, Glu27 and Trp64 alleles are linked to BP elevation. The subjects carrying the β2-polymorphisms linked to weight gain and BP elevation also have higher plasma norepinephrine levels that are present at entry before weight gain and BP elevation. These findings suggest that β2-adrenergic receptor polymorphisms in association with a heightened sympathetic nerve activity could predict the future onset of obesity and hypertension, as shown in the 5-year longitudinal study. Background-The genes responsible for obesity are candidate genes for obesity-related diseases, such as hypertension. Functional polymorphisms in the β2-and β3-adrener-gic receptors have been reported to be associated with hypertension and obesity. Methods and Results-To longitudinally clarify the relevance to alterations in β-adrenergic receptor polymorphisms related to weight gain, blood pressure (BP) elevation, and sympathetic nerve activity as measured by plasma norepinephrine level, we studied 160 young, nonobese, normotensive men. Changes in body weight, BP , plasma norepinephrine levels, and β2-adrenergic (Arg16Gly, Gln27Glu) and β3-adrenergic (Trp64Arg) receptor polymorphisms were measured periodically over a 5-year period. Weight gain and BP elevation were defined as ≥10% increases from entry levels over 5 years in body mass index or mean BP. The presence of the Gly16 allele of Arg16Gly was associated with a higher frequency of weight gain and BP elevation over the 5-year per The subjects carrying the Glu27 allele of Gln27Glu and the Trp64 allele of Trp64Arg had a higher frequency of BP elevation. Significantly higher levels of plasma norepinephrine at entry and at year 5 were observed in the subjects with the Gly16 allele of Arg16Gly and the Glu27 alleles of Gln27Glu compared with those without the Gly16 or the Glu27 alleles. Conclusions-These results demonstrate that the Gly16 alleles are related to greater weight gain and BP elevation. -polymorphisms linked to weight gain and BP elevation also have higher plasma norepinephrine levels that are present at entry before weight gain and BP elevation. These findings suggest that β2-adrenergic receptor polymorphisms in association with a heightened sympathetic nerve activity could predict the future onset of obesity and hypertension, as shown in the 5-year longitudinal study.
6月28日,“北大光华·天翼图书第27届管理论坛”在京召开,本届论坛主题为“企业的生命力与竞争力:组织可控性与灵活性的平衡”。 June 28, “Peking University Guanghua T
恶性萎缩性丘疹病(malignant atrophic papulosis,MAP)又称Degos病或致死性小肠皮肤综合征,是主要累及小肠、皮肤的罕见的血管性疾病,我们诊治1例,报告如下。
患者,男,40岁,农民,2003年8月出现双眼睑下垂,胸部MR发现胸腺瘤,诊断为重症肌无力,当时在外院行胸腺瘤摘除术,术后口服强的松20 mg每天一次维持.2004年10月7日患者在无明显诱因下出现发热头痛,体温38.4℃,血分析WBC 10.4×109/L,GRAN 8.8×109/L,初起外院按"感冒"治疗,症状未缓解,后行颅脑CT及胸片检查未见异常,先后给予氨苄青霉素、罗氏芬、舒萨林等抗生素