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1994年是我省消防部队基层建设取得较大成绩的一年.按照四年规划,全省消防官兵励精图治,苦练基本功,向基层建设发起冲刺,实现了96%以上的中队和99%N上的科股达标.刚刚过去的一年,也是我省火灾事故最为突出、全省消防官兵经受了严峻考验的一年.在防火工作中,积极寻求遏制火灾的有效对策;在灭人战斗中,英勇顽强,不惜流血牺牲,最大限度地控制了火势蔓延,减少了损失.对于全省消防部队卓有成效的工作和无私奉献的精神,厅党委是满意的,省委、省政府领导是赞赏的,社会各界的评价也是比较高的.为了把消防工作做得更深更细,把部队建设得更强更好,总队党委提出了今年全省消防部队的工作要“两手抓”:即一手 In 1994, our province’s firefighting force made great achievements in the grass-roots construction.According to the four-year plan, the fire brigades and soldiers in the province make every effort to improve their basic skills and spur the grass-roots construction, achieving more than 96% of squadrons and 99% N In the past year, but also the most prominent fire accident in our province, the province’s fire officers and soldiers to withstand a severe test of the year.In the fire prevention work, actively seek effective measures to curb the fire; in the fight against the enemy, Heroic tenacious, at the expense of bloodshed, to maximize the spread of the fire control and reduce losses.For the province’s fire brigade effective work and selfless dedication, hall party is satisfied, the provincial government leaders are appreciated, the community The evaluation of all walks of life is also relatively high. In order to make the firefighting work deeper and thinner and build the troops stronger and better, the Corps party committee proposed that the work of the province’s fire brigade this year should be “grasped by both hands”
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2012年全国各地高考数学理科试卷中,有13份试卷的解答题的第1题涉及到三角函数或解斜三角形,其中有5份是关于解斜三角形问题.解答题的第1题应属容易题.事实上,在处理解斜三角形问题时,大部分学生使用的方法是用正、余弦定理、三角函数等相关公式.由于新课改降低了学生对三角变换的能力要求, 暴露出知识运用能力存在不足,这部分的得分不如人意.对解斜三角形的一些问题,若借用平几方法处理,会收到事半功倍之效.
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