A Brief Analysis on the Effects of L1 Thinking Mode on L2 Writing Process: Case Study Based 199o

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  1. Introduction
  This thesis explores the effect of L1 (represented Chinese way of thinking) on the English (regarded as L2 writing process). L1 thinking is a common phenomenon in the process of two-language acquisition. For the second language learners in the big Chinese context, the ‘transfer’ of mother tongue (L1) is a process which cannot be avoided (Cumming 1998). For the second language learners, especially for those with a lower level of L2 who would often find it difficult to obtain the authentic information of second language. In the problem of L1 thinking that lead to the impact on the L2 acquisition, the general idea is that mother tongue thinking hinders the process of second language learning. Therefore, learners should use the second language (L2) thinking and try to avoid the mode of mother tongue thinking.
  2. Case study and methodology
  In the recent 20 years, research on the L1 and L2 writing processes has grown increasingly. However, for the majority of studies, they have just compared the similarities between the two languages’ writing processes, emphasized the commonness of the two languages’ writing strategies, paid less attention on the characteristics of the two language writing characteristics. In fact, there are differences between the source language and target language when learners are dealing with the L2 composing (Liu 2010). Bilingual thinking is a unique phenomenon occurred in the L1 and L2 writing. Studies have shown that during the primary stage of the two languages’ writing, the process is not a pure transferable thinking process from L1 to L2 (Berg 1999). Thus it generates research questions as follows:
  2.1 Will the L1 thinking mode really help with the thinking process when engaged in L2 composing?
  2.2 Will the good L1 writing proficiency enhance the L2 writing level?
  To investigate these questions, a questionnaire is made to analyze relevant research. Participants engaged in this survey are fifteen Chinese students, among eight of them are postgraduates in UK universities who have been trained in IELTS writing programs; Five of them are postgraduates in universities of Mainland China who have passed the TEM-8 exam; The other two of them are undergraduates in China who have only passed the CET-4 exam. The extracted questions are like: A.“Will you use your L1 thinking mode to write L2 sentences and paragraphs?”, B.“Will you use your L1 thinking criteria to check the grammatical errors that might occur in your L2 composing” etc. And the results showed that:   From the data, we could see that most of the students tend to organize the ideas in their mother tongue before they start the L2 writing. On the contrary, most of them will not use their existing L1 thinking stereotype to check if there are L2 grammar mistakes. Obviously, bilingual thinking is a major feature in the procedure of L1 and L2 writing. However, the study points out the phenomenon of mother tongue thinking in the process of two language writing, but it does not discuss how students use their mother tongue thinking to continue with L2 writing. In addition, the above research objects are mostly from the English major students, and there is no certain description about the non-English major students, or students who receive the lower level of language learning. In addition, the study focuses on the mother tongue thinking on foreign language professional students in the process of writing, as well as the effect of L2 proficiency on L1 thinking. These research topics would enrich our understanding and stress the features of second language writing, thus to help us construct the theoretical framework of L2 writing.
  3. Mother tongue thinking of L1 in the processes of foreign language writing
  With the increasing communications between various of countries around the world, English as an international language with its status is becoming increasingly important. For Chinese college students who would play an important role in the intercultural communication, English writing ability is indispensable. However in the actual teaching context, more and more teachers have realized their students’ weak writing ability. Thus, how to effectively improve the students’ English writing proficiency is a question we should not ignore.
  The most influential theory of writing procedures is proposed by Flower and Hayes (Flower and Hayes 1981) which regards composing as a series of decisions or choices. Through their psychological activities of the subjects in the process of writing analysis, they put forward that the traditional writing approach can be called as linear process, namely: planning, translating and reviewing (Flower and Hayes 1981: 366). In their perspective, the writing process could directly reflect the author’s thinking processes, namely: generating of ideas, goal setting of objectives and organizing the structure. These three steps contain the concepts of the assessment and modification, encourage readers to write plans which indicate writing process is concerned with writing activities. Therefore, focus should be on how to complete the process, not just be paid attention to the completion of the work itself.   4. Conclusion
  In the empirical study, the effects of L1 as Chinese on L2 as English are complicated to expect. Findings of the previous studies show that for L2 learners, the thinking process in the L2 composing is easy to deal with. According to the learning situation of L2 learners, L1 thinking can generate better vocabulary and sentences, though it is not easy to organize with intuitive language thoughts.
  Due to the fact that language and thought are inseparable, thinking is the basis of language. Also language is the carrier of thinking, thus we cannot simply consider about the transition of L1. The influence of mother tongue thinking is absolutely inseparable from writing process of SLA, L2 learners should consider the inevitable phenomenon of transition and interference. In order to gradually complete the conversion from L1 to L2 system, learners need to be given the correct guidance to positively participate in the writing. Meanwhile, foreign language teaching should explore on how to avoid the mental process of L1 concept.
  Finally, except for English, L2 writing especially in the field of SLA sometimes lack of the studies on writings of other languages. This should be a future scope of research to make L2 writing in a specific language genre. Also, there’s inadequate researches analyzing on how to put L2 acquisition into classroom practice. In the future, this issue should be properly applied in the pedagogical teaching of L2 writing.
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【摘要】当今社会向国际化发展,英语作为国际通用语言越加的重要,因此,教师要注重学生英语能力的培养。在新课改背景下,互动式教学模式以其独有的优势,受到了教师与学生的喜爱,可以有效地提高初中英语教学效率。本文就互动式教学模式在初中英语教学中的构建和应用策略进行探究,希望能够充分发挥学生的主观能动性,提高学生的英语能力,适应社会的发展和进步。  【关键词】互动式教学;初中英语;英语教学  【作者简介】申
【摘要】在”互联网 ”背景下,实现高职英语教学由传统教学模式向基于网络平台的混合式教学模式转变,是高职英语教学面临的重要课题。本文从宏观和微观两方面,对混合教学模式在高职英语教学管理和教学实践中进行分析,以教学环节为切入点,给出了混合式教学模式在高职英语教学中的具体应用策略。  【关键词】混合式教学模式;高职英语;管理;实践策略  【作者简介】张文俏(1989.04-),女,汉族,江苏徐州人,江苏
【摘要】美语是在17世纪英国英语的基础上发展而来的,虽然历史短暂,但也有着自己的特点。美语词汇中反映了英国文化、美国土著文化、黑人文化以及各民族的移民文化,而本文旨在探讨美国多元文化对美语词汇发展变化的影响。  【关键词】美语;词汇;多元文化  【作者简介】刘伟(1981-),女,天津人,天津外国语大学滨海外事学院讲师,硕士,研究方向:英语教育,英美文化研究。一、引言  语言是文化的载体,语言受到
【摘要】随着社会的发展,我们对大学生的英语基础与能力提出了更高的要求。这就需要在大学课堂进行改革,提出更加创新的教学模式,运用更好的语篇分析功能,再加上大量的理论教学方法,就能够达到更好的英语教学目的。基于此,本文将会介绍语篇分析理论及其应用,进一步的结合大学英语教学理论,对大学英语的教学能力进行提高。  【关键词】功能语篇分析;英语教学;创新  【作者简介】肖潇(1983.05-),女,汉族,湖
【摘要】基于素质教育的均衡发展,为实现培养全方位人才的目标,小学英语学科作为一门重要的学科,在教育学业上起着不可忽视的重要地位。如今,应试教育还是没有转变教学方式,很多教师还在坚守着传统的教学模式,导致与学生之间的交流纽带脱节,使很多小学生对英语课程感到没有兴趣,甚至产生厌学的心理。如果将思维导图引进课堂,短时间内,能够快速建立内部统一脉络的思维,激发起学生的积极性,间接提高学生的英语成绩。  【
【摘要】本文以平塘县酒店名称为研究对象,从功能目的理论的视角,对酒店名称的英文翻译进行分析,探寻酒店名称翻译原则和翻译技巧。  【关键词】功能目的论;酒店名称;翻译技巧  【作者简介】黎方芳,黔南民族师范学院外国语学院。  一、引言  随着时代的发展和社会的进步,越来越多的人选择外出旅游,酒店就是每一个旅游者旅游途中的落脚点。酒店名称的英译直接影响着顾客的入住率,以及酒店的知名度。怎样的翻译才能更
【摘要】探析应用型本科院校大学英语 ESP 课程的设置模式是新课程改革下大学英语教育教学发展的需要,对其进行研究和探讨有利于了解ESP教学的现状,响应国家所提出的大学英语教学改革政策,提高大学生英语的实际应用能力。地方应用型的本科院校主要的教育目标是培养国家和社会需要的应用型人才,为国家的建设做出贡献。构建符合地方应用型本科院校实际特点的英语人才培养体系,为学生营造良好的教育环境,从根本上提高学生
【Abstract】Disruptive innovation explains the process of a product or service preliminary application initiating from the bottom of the market that replaces an already established product or service. I
【摘要】在新课程背景下对高中英语教学水平的提高越来越重视,提升和加强高中学生英语阅读理解能力在高中英语的教学中占据十分重要的地位。本文从高中英语核心素养的角度出发,探讨怎样提高高中英语阅读教学以及具体策略及途径,以提升高中学生的英语阅读能力。  【关键词】核心素养;阅读教学;阅读能力  【作者简介】郑生儒,福建省泉州第一中学。  发展学生英语学科核心素养是深化基础教育英语课程改革的重大举措之一。如