The Solutions for Adjustment and Reconstruction of Water-Drive Surface Systems in the Old Areas of D

来源 :China Oil & Gas | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chaoyuemengxiang2009
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IntroductionOwing to long-time running, more facilities including stations, pipelines, vessels have become corrosive and aged ,some process has grown old , it has exert more burden for the maintenance and repair. Simultaneously, the fluid production rate, oil production rate and water injection rate has changed greatly so that the inflicts and problems from the established surface systems will become more obvious. Energy cost of production and running has increasing continuously. Capacity has been unbalance in systems and areas. IntroductionOwing to long-time running, more facilities include stations, pipelines, vessels have become corrosive and aged, some process has grown old, it has exert more burden for the maintenance and repair. Simultaneously, the fluid production rate, oil production rate and water injection rate has changed greatly so that the inflicts and problems from the established surface systems will become more obvious. Energy cost of production and running has ever continuously. Capacity has been unbalance in systems and areas.
农用潜水电泵常用的有“油浸式”和“水浸式”两种.“油浸式”水泵在使用时直接下到井内就可抽水;“水浸式”水泵在使用前应先向泵内加水方可使用.1 下水深度潜水电泵在水下
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