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一、建立政府公共支出管理体系我国政府公共支出管理体系改革的目标是:按照建立社会主义市场经济体制的客观要求,调整和优化政府支出范围和结构,充分体现政府满足公共需要的职能范围和方向,强化政府宏观调控功能,逐步建立起包括预算编审、预算执行和决算审编,以及财政支出的全? I. Establishing a Management System for Government Public Expenditure The goal of the reform of our government public expenditure management system is to adjust and optimize the scope and structure of government expenditures in accordance with the objective requirements of establishing a socialist market economy and to fully reflect the functions and direction of the government in satisfying public needs , Strengthen the macro-control function of the government, and gradually establish a comprehensive system including budget review, budget implementation and final accounts review, as well as financial expenditure
Objective:To investigate the antioxidant,antimicrobial,antiplasmodial,acute toxicity and haemolytic activities of methanolic extracts of three plants.Phytochemi
Objective:To discuss phytopharmacological potential and anti-asthmatic activity of Ficus religiosa(F.religiosa)(L.).Methods:Fresh leaves of F.religiosa were obt
Objective:To determine the antimoraxella activity of Ethiopian medicinal plants extracts. Methods:Two clinical isolates of Moraxella cattarhalis(M.cattarhalis)
Born free…Taxed to Death.生而自由……纳税至死。Taxes grow without rain.没有雨水滋润,税赋照样增长。Tariff: A scale of taxes onimports, designed to protect thedo
Objective:To study the antibacterial activity of the leaf methanol extracts of five different species of Vitex namely,Vilex altissima(V.allissima),Vitex diversi
Objective:To compare the anti-atherosclerotic effects of two different extracts from the leaves of Mallotus fiiretianus by using rat model of atherosclerosis.Me
Objective:To evaluate the possible antiulcer effect of the African garden egg,Solanum aethiopicum(S.aethiopicum)(a domestic vegetable) experimentally in rats.Me
各省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市财政厅(局)、地方税务局,新疆生产建设兵团财务局: 《中华人民共和国契税暂行条例》颁布实施以来,契税收入稳步增长,在调控房地产市场、增